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Reply [IC] Abandoned Swamplands [IC]
[PRP] We're here at last [Dogo, Mifuo, Radi, & Moto]

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 11:19 am
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She knew the moment they'd come to the borders of the pride without even having to smell the border markings. The scent of the swamp was enough. And with that invisible marker...she felt the last of her burdens melting away from her heart. She was home. This was where she would finish out her life in peace, with her beloved Dogo'tufani at her side, and her daughters and future cubs and friends around her.

Her body even reflected the final lightening of her burdens. No longer were her steps heavy in the least, and her eyes were brighter than before. There was no more fire in them...only a calm happiness. Even the bird riding on her head noticed the change in her 'Brave-Strong Healer'. "This is the place, Dogo, Mifuo." Her daughter had gone ahead. Hopefully she wouldn't spoil Moto's plans to surprise Mle later.
PostPosted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 12:29 pm
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The scent of the swamplands was unfamiliar to Dogo, and when he'd first begun to catch it on the wind he couldn't hide his curious expression. It was different - he'd give it that. And it would probably take some getting used to as well; it was by no means a scent he was accustomed to or familiar with in any way. He snuck a quick glance towards Moto as they continued to approach the borders of the swamps, and he couldn't contain his smile when he saw her. She was clearly feeling the freedom that came with releasing her last tie to the tension that had surrounded her existence in the Mwako’bi’Giza.

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The scent of the swamps reached Mifuo a bit later than it had for the others - even though it was well into the daylight hours he was still a tad bit sleepy. But when the scent finally reached his nose he couldn't help but perk up a bit. There was something about it that pulled at him, far more strongly than the pull that had brought him here in the first place. Something within him stirred, whispering into the back of mind that this was home. He grinned and sent Moto an excited look when she confirmed that this was it, kneading the soil beneath his paws.

"It's amazing! I can't wait to see my family here!"

Kitsune Mistress Nyoko

Shameless Elocutionist


Moonlight Hunter

PostPosted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 1:15 pm
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Radi’Kilima could be found wandering around the borders every day, in hope of seeing that lion she had met in the evening one night. It wasn’t as if she loved him, but rather just to let him know that he had cubs on the way. While she was normally a small lioness, her recent---rather quick--- growth was something that could not be overlooked. She knew she was pregnant. She was rather excited about that fact too. Her father on the other hand, wasn’t as thrilled at first. Talahm was more traditional, he wanted his daughter to find that perfect someone just as he had found it in Bari. None the less, he couldn’t hold back his excitement to know that he was going to be a grandpa!

It wasn’t a surprise when Radi caught wind of a group of lions approaching the borders. She knew the swamp smell, and every time a new rogue would cross into the lands, a distinct scent would waft through the air. This time, there was three aromas the charcoal lioness didn’t recognize. She kept her caution; she knew how some strangers could be. She wouldn’t just be protecting her life, but the lives of cubs inside her.

Blue eyes watched from the shadows of the swamp, making sure of no evil intentions of these new lions. When she found really no threat, she stepped out from the shadows, a small smile on her maw.

“Greetings,” she acknowledged.
PostPosted: Sun Jul 10, 2011 1:45 pm
Though the green avian on Moto's head fluffed up in startlement, Moto showed no startled reaction herself. Moto laughed softly at Mashai, making a soothing noise to let the avian know it was fine. Then she nodded to the other lioness, the swamp-dweller who greeted them.

"Greetings. My name is Moto'nyota, and this is my mate Dogo'tufani and our traveling companions Mifuo and Mashai-kinai'a. I've been here once before, and now...the four of us seek sanctuary and a home here." Best to just get that in the open, to let the other female know none of them meant harm.


Kitsune Mistress Nyoko

Shameless Elocutionist

PostPosted: Sat Jul 23, 2011 2:31 pm
With the scent of the swamps obscuring his sense of smell, Dogo needed to rely on his other senses to alert him of any approaching lions. Unfortunately, he'd never really been the best hunter, and only noticed the unfamiliar lioness approaching when he finally caught sight of her. He did his best not to betray his surprise, although a nervous flick of the ear probably gave him away to his mate at the very least. He glanced towards Moto when she spoke, smiling and nodding when he was indicated. He trusted her to take the lead with these sorts of things. She knew he had no idea how you were supposed to join a pride, after all!

Mifuo was a little less reserved about his surprise than his two feline companions - in fact, he very nearly leapt right in the air when the lioness appeared out of the swamps. He hadn't been expecting to meet anyone on the borders of the pride so quickly, and it took a long moment for his fur to smooth back down and his heart to calm. Once it had he took the opportunity to glance over the lioness before him, unaware of Moto taking the initiative to introduce them all. He was quick to noticed the roundness of the unfamiliar lioness' belly, and he knew that could really only mean one thing... Cubs!

He glanced towards his traveling companions rather quickly before returning his gaze to the lioness, kneading the soil beneath his paws. "Um, Miss? If you don't mind my asking, what are you doing so close to the borders of the pride? I mean, not that I don't think you can't handle yourself or anything but you're..."

He trailed off, lifting a paw to absently motion towards her.
PostPosted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 5:38 pm
Radi took in each of the names the female known as Moto’nyota introduced. She bobbed her head to each of the lions, and even the avian as her ears perked, listening quietly. The charcoal lioness was an observant female, she noted the nervous gesture of the male, Dogo, and she couldn’t miss the raised fur and fluffed feathers on the other two. It appeared the female was the most collected of them all.

“If you seek to live here, I must take you to our queen. It is her who will deem each and everyone of you fit to live here.” Sometimes the lands could be leery on outsiders, but since Moto had been here before, maybe it would be easier. “As long as you show no ill intention towards the pride, you should all be good!” she purred out, smiling to the bunch. She was just a cub when the swamps were in dismay from the murderer. She was glad she couldn’t remember it.

Her attention turned towards Mifuo. “I’m…? small? Beautiful?” she joked. “Oh..you mean pregnant?” she sat down, motioning to her belly. “Yeah…You sound like my father sometimes,” she grinned. She knew she really shouldn’t be by the borders on her own, but if anything that weird lion Ender would appear out of nowhere if she was in a bad situation. It was like he could see the future or something. (Radi always believed Ender to be crazy anyways, he was always talking with trees, claiming they showed him stuff.) “Thank you for your concern, I travel the borders waiting to see if their,” referring to the cubs, “father may come back. It’d be nice to know that he has kids on the way.” It was unlikely, but she could at least had some good intentions right? She didn’t do it out of a loneliness or anything, she had a nice caring family at home. In the good of her heart she did it because she thought it was the right thing to do.


Moonlight Hunter


PostPosted: Wed Aug 03, 2011 6:51 am
The once-Mwezi gave Mifuo a Look. Just because one was pregnant did not make them incapable of defending themselves. But the female's words caught her by surprise a bit. A queen? Moto blinked. "Did Narindima'moyo step down?" Zeru hadn't mentioned that. Well...it just meant she'd need to acquaint herself with a new ruler. She could do that with no issue.

The golden lioness couldn't help but giggle at the other lioness' response to Mifuo. "I hope that when you see their father again, that he takes the news of a new family well, whether he decides to stay for them or not."
PostPosted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 12:26 am
Dogo could barely hide his soft groan when he heard Mifuo comment, absently shifting to flick at his haunch with the tip of his tail. He'd known the other male could be somewhat oblivious at times, but this was just... How could he even describe it? It was... Mifuo. Although his lips twitched slightly at the lioness' response. At the very least, she didn't seem insulted by it, but it certainly couldn't hurt.

"You'll have to forgive our friend. He's a little touched in the head, you see. We think he was dropped a lot as a cub."


Mifuo huffed softly and quickly moved to return the swat, but it was only moments before a small grin spread across his muzzle and he offered a sheepish laugh. He certainly hadn't meant to insinuate that the lioness couldn't take care of herself or needed an escort or something! He'd met plenty of strong, capable lionesses during his time in the rogue lands, and it wasn't like she was completely on her own within her own territory... He shook his head absently, trying to focus back on the situation at hand.

"Well, you certainly are all of those things, Miss. I guess I was just surprised to see you out and about... I've never really spotted a pregnant lady like you all on her own, but I guess maybe that's more normal for a lioness with a pride to protect her? Oh gosh, I'm rambling now, aren't I..."

Kitsune Mistress Nyoko

Shameless Elocutionist


Moonlight Hunter

PostPosted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 6:13 pm
Stepped down was probably the…best term to use for that. Radi hadn’t been here during the process of the leadership roles, she had been out on her naming quest instead. Her father was the one who had explained the situation to her. “I think that is what happened, though, I will admit, I wasn’t present during everything. Now, Lu’a Khara’I has been named queen by Narindima’moyo.” She explained to the female. She couldn’t help but shrug at her next comment. “It would be nice, by a never get hopes up,” she didn’t want to be let down, and something by a male not staying to take care of cubs (many cubs at that) was something Radi did not want to think about.

Radi’kilima couldn’t help but hide a giggle at Dogo’s comment. Well, he really did speak of the truth anyways, why was she out here alone. But if they knew that watching her was probably Ender, or even her father, they probably wouldn’t ask such a thing. Her giggling continued at Mifuo’s rambling.

Turning back towards Moto, she stood up, stretching slightly. “You mentioned you had been here before…how long ago was that?” Instead of them just making idle chat on the borders, they could begin their onward journey into the pride.
PostPosted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 9:17 pm
Moto nodded. Changes in leadership did happen. "Well...I look forward to meeting the new Queen." She smiled kindly, and giggled a bit at her own mate and their companion. The large lioness took Radi's cue, shifting to start moving. "Ah...quite a few seasons ago. Narindima'moyo was still King. Perhaps...you might be familiar with Mle'tonoka and his cubs Zeru and Mzuza? I am the two girls' mother." Proudly. She couldn't say she wasn't proud of any cub in that litter. All beautiful, all strong in their own ways...  


[IC] Abandoned Swamplands [IC]

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