You know what would just solve all these issues?
If we just decided we've had enough of people complaining over getting free stuff and stopped handing things out all together.
Seriously people. Can't you just be happy we're offering up chances for freebies at all, and NOT look a gift horse in the mouth?
I for one am getting fed up with hearing nothing but negative feedback from our attempts to do nice things for you all.
It's posts like this that scare me...
Based on the outpouring of support after this latest bit of drama, I know that many people (myself included) are on the side of the colorists. Unfortunately, the negative minority seems to be the more vocal group. =c
I've kept quiet, mostly becaue I didn't want to stir up
more trouble by adding fuel to the fire, but also because I don't know how to say this without feeling like I'm getting up on the soap box and being an a**-kisser, but here goes... In light of the recent drama (most of which I'm just confused about), I'd just like to say that, as a Soq
worshiper customer, I support you guys.
I won't lie, whenever I see I haven't won something, I feel more than a little disappointed, but I always,
always congragulate the winners and am happy for them. More importantly, I thank the colorist or other contest holder just for the
chance at one of these lovely pets. I would never begrudge anyone, instead, I look forward to the next chance with optimism. ^__^
So colorists, please don't let a few Sour Sallys get you down. The truth is, most of us love you guys, support you (and your right to do CCs to keep you sane) and we're beyond thankful and excited whenever you do freebies, even when we don't win! I just hope that the recent events don't have any negative effects on the shop I love. So... yeah... that's it.
*steps down from the soapbox*
Perhaps I should post this in a new thread, but what does everyone think of a Colorist Appreciation thread? A safe place where we can all post our thanks and support and gush to those who make Gaia worthwhile. No negativity allowed.