Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 2:04 pm
In my opinion Soq have become something more of a trophy than a treasured pet. Owning one has become a symbol, and owning a horde a show of status here in the B/C.
It is my belief that a lot of the drama and anxiety in the thread is not over the loss of some pixels but what is associated with them (such as the new attention, respect, and appreciation that comes with owning a Soq).
This is what creates the dichotomy of the B/C. In truth, you could probably split the whole of it into two factions; those that participate in Soquili and those that avoid it like a plague because of what it's come to represent.
There is something to be said for the way people treat each other here, both those that are kind and generous and those that keep a guarded approach and are more focused on the social climbing.
There is a point to this, I'm getting there.
If you limit how large a horde someone can have, you're limiting how many chances at trophy gloating there is. You're changing what a Soq means.
How many are sitting, collecting dust? How many, after being won and displayed in a sig for a month or two, are forgotten because they are no longer the new 'thing'?
Limiting makes each Soq more precious, because they have become one of a selected few. Those that participate in contests will have to reconsider whether or not what they're trying for is worth their keep to them. With new found meaning in Soq ownership, more people will take pride in what they own, rather than pride in what people say about what they own.
And before people take offense to this, I am not speaking in a condescending tone, but rather one of understanding and admittance. I have honestly participated in events where I perhaps didn't even like the Soq offered simply because it was a chance to win a Soq. If there was a cap, I myself would have to take a harder look at the contests I participate in, so I too am guilty of seeing Soq as something more than just a beloved pet. That's why I think the cap is a good idea, because I know it would change my behavior, and using that as a reference I can see how it would affect the whole.
Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 2:11 pm
Soquili will Never add a Max Cap to the amount of soquili a person can own. This has already been discussed in the past, and stated as a Big No.
Its a Breedable shop, not a Changeable shop, which means that they breed, produce more, and multiply by nature, and RP isn't the focus, though it is rewarded. So adding a max cap of characters only hurts people.
Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 2:12 pm