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Total Votes : 22 |
Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 5:58 pm
I was just thinking since colorists could gain points to be used for their own customs, maybe the same could apply to the customers of soquili? :]
Well I've noticed recently a lot of people are frustrated because a lot of the same people are winning in events (not anyone's fault, it's just happening). So I thought maybe to put the ball in the customers court instead of some of them blaming the colorists, we adopt a points system.
Now with these points they could NOT be given to anyone on the colorist team UNLESS it is a event. This would decrease the chances of favoritism (or what is viewed as favoritism). However, not EVERYONE has to participate in the point system. But let's say you did six rp's in a month, you gain four points or whatever. And once you go to.... 60 points you could get a usidia basic custom, and the points would go up from there to reflect each soquili and the amount of edits. This would also help promote RP and give more perks to the people that actually RP and don't let their pets collect dust. xD
This system may not be for everyone, but I think it would decrease the favoritism/the anger from people that do believe there is favoritism. (Because not all colorists give pets to their friends because they are friends). Also, I think it would promote RP and give more perks to those that do RP.
Why did I choose RP for the point system? Because I love to RP and I hate that people only seem to care about getting baskets from breedings or the soquili matching well together (color wise). I think that by doing this people would go more by the soquili's personality then their looks.
This could also apply to breedings (people with LL, Newbies, CC, ect.) and not just customs. Or even events.
Well how would you regulate this? I think maybe we could open a thread for points given/amount so people could make sure that if there is some loop hole someone doesn't find it. And that the points are ACTUALLY earned. :]
Who would give these out? Any staff member, but only through events or a reward for so many rp's a month/two weeks. (duration up to staff).
This system does NOT have to be used, but I think either this or something else like it would be a good idea to look into to help ease some people's thoughts about favoritism, ect.
Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 6:01 pm
Oh! This could also help decrease the colorists work load to, because more people would wait longer for more perks. :]
No, this would not be a total replacement for gold, ect. Just help even things out all across the board. biggrin
Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 6:47 pm
Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 7:34 pm
Not an official shop answer this time around, just my two cents.
Soquili is not an RP required shop, but gets plenty of benefits for RPing as it is -- Points are called "Stats" and you get them if you have a Teepee.
The kind of points would end up being sorta like that, only on a MUCH LARGER SCALE. We're talking would requiring extra staff Just to handle something of this scale -- it was hard enough to keep track of tokens during the WoW Event, having it be an all the time thing would be impossible.
@_@ People need to stop making threads based on this recent 'drama'-- None of it is exactly helping and its just aggravating up drama further. We have things set in place, and the thing is, going over the evidence no rules were broken -- The rules state you cannot CC the same person more than once in two months, and if CC's are abused, the person is 'blocked out' and you are no longer allowed to CC them for at least a year. However, this does NOT count gifts and co-ownings.
We don't need anything else to 'help prevent it' that complicate and gum up the system. @_@ And really, this would just make our jobs as colorists harder.
So overall, I'm completely against it. 8B No offense. *snug*
Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 7:52 pm
I am shooting this down because as mind said, there is already a "numerical" reward for activity and it is my job. Stats are time-consuming already and your system would end up being the equivalent of working 40 hours a week.
You are trying to fix a system that is not broken, only your perception of it needs fixing. Some people have just gotten lucky. Deal with it, and keep trying. We're already doing our best to be fair about giving away ponies while still allowing colorists to keep their sanity.
The answer is NO.
Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 8:01 pm
No I understand why you guys (gals) would say no. :] And it's fine.
And it wasn't actually connected to the recent CC thing. >..< I am actually quite against what was said in that thread that was trying to make a certain colorist seem like a bad guy. (Actually it seemed aimed at everyone). And I just thought now might be the best time to bring up an idea like this. :]
But no is a no and I understand. Thanks. :]