I could have sworn has been answered I think a few times before, but I cant find where.
When A female seathi and a Male Nixie Mate, the babies are carried slightly longer by the female, but not enough for it to really show, before being born prematurely, and spend more time in the enchanted shells that keep them healthy and finish developing.
When a Female Nixie and a Male Seathi mate, the Female Nixie gets pregnant.
This is because Female Nixie's are unable to impregnate Seathi stallions, and Male Nixie's lack the pouches they carry the premature offspring in.
My best guess in Seathi to Seathi breedings, seathi Stallions fertilize it within the female, but the chemical reactions of their bodies cause a reaction in them both, that, should it be a successful breeding, causes the unborn children to be transferred in a quick reaction, so fast that and subtle that neither parents realize it has happened until the male's belly begins to grow.
Because of the Chemical differences between Nixie and Seathi, that reaction doesn't happen, and thus the female seathi holds onto the offspring until the unborn foals are big enough to safely transfer to and let it spend the rest of the 9 months from conception in the shell.
While The Female Nixie can simply carry for Seven months and then go into labor, and the offspring spend the remaining two months in the shells, just like in a regular soquili pregnancy.