We're not interested in duplicating Spirit Week, but I would like this event to tie more closely to GSW than the original Winter Break did. How?
I'd think dress up days, mostly. And, lots of Towns for screenies, etc. And towns brings up the point of caroling, as well.
Should we have more dressing up?
Actually, I don't know. (Which seems rather contrary to the above answer) Dressing up really makes this feel like Spirit Week, but it takes some thought. Many people don't have as much time during the holidays.
Do you like the idea of a shorter event?
Yeah, it's easier. As a student, I have summer off, so I have time to waste away a week glued to the computer. But during Christmas break, I don't have as long of a break, and more last minute shopping to do.
What do you think of the snowball fight?
It sounds like a lot of work. However, I think we could pull it off, and if we did it, it would definitely be a lot of fun.
What can we do to make it more Gaia oriented, and not necessarily class?
I'd say don't divide up the classes, as traditional and fun as it is. Divide us amongst different lines. Boys versus girls, Red Team versus Blue Team, etc.
And this depends on Gaia, but I think it'd be cool to tie this in with the Gaia Chirstmas event.
Would you participate in an RP event?
Ehh, I've never RP'ed before. But, if it was included, I just might.
Anything you hate?
No, not particularly.
Anything we're obviously missing that should be going on?

I worry about the Secret Santa. I'd be more comfortable if a moderate price range was set. No one wants a cheap gift, and I wouldn't want to get something that I can't afford, and wouldn't be able to reciprocate.
And remember that there are other Holidays around that time that aren't Christmas.