Nyota'Angavu - Kitsune Mistress Nyoko
Moricorm - Das Tor

She couldn't take it any longer. Moricorm had thought she'd been able to wait it out, to wait for the chance to see Iartuupe's bloodline on Morifaer's throne once more. Or even one of Morifaer's bloodline take it somehow. But she could no longer abide Sparda's blood on the throne. She could NOT live in the pride while a ruler she did not see as fit held the throne. She hated to do it...but she had to leave. Not for good...but for now. But she had things to set in order first. One of those was saying goodbye to one of the few she called 'friend', and letting him know. Yes, Nyota was of Sparda's blood...but he had shared the vision of the thrones held as they were meant to be: Sparda's blood on Sparda's throne, Iartuupe's on Morifaer's throne. Her blood-red eyes looked up as she approached the area she'd caught his scent in, and suddenly felt a bit nervous.

Would he accept why she wanted to leave? That she was NOT betraying the pride, but would seek to still increase and strengthen it? She...simply couldn't stand things any more. "Nyota." Though she did not yell to call out, her voice was still firm, despite her misgivings, and loud enough for him to hear.

If there was one thing Nyota was accustomed to, it was listening. As a youth he had always been too loud to truly listen to what had occurred around him, and as a result he had missed much. He, like so many others in the pride, had failed to notice the growing darkness in the heart of his brother. He had failed to notice his own darkness growing and swallowing him whole, until he was so entrenched in it that he needed to fight his way free.

But he had learned his lesson. He made an effort to listen now, both to his own children and to his surroundings. It was this newfound awareness that alerted him to Moricorm's presence long before she greeted him, and one ear flicked in her direction. At the sound of his name he gave a low rumble, twitching his tail to indicate for the smaller lioness to join him as he watched some of the new cubs playing in the den area. His grandchildren, no less.

A smile twitched briefly at the corners of his mouth before he turned his gaze towards the black and red lioness, amber eyes gleaming with a newfound sense of peace.

"Something is troubling you, Moricorm. Am I right?"

She envied Nyota in a way. His line flourished, and her line had not. Not yet. And...he had a peace within him she had once only tasted, and could no longer find. She nodded and moved to sit beside him. Though he was so much larger than she, that had never intimidated her. Despite their differing sizes, they were equals. "I cannot live here with your brother on the throne any longer, Nyota." He was not going to beat around the bush, not with him. He had her trust, he deserved her honesty.

Nyota regarded Moricorm for a long while, focusing all of his attention on her. It was moments when these when he wondered what might have been for them had things been different. Were she not of Iartuupe's blood, or he not of Verge'lian's, would they have been mates by now? Would the cubs play fighting and tumbling around the den area have been her grandchildren as well as his? He didn't let him dwell on it for long, but the thought had always lingered with him. When she finally spoke, he set his jaw and nodded.

"I understand. You are not the only one who could not remain after his ascension. I believe we have both lost a half sibling to the new power, and you a niece as well."

Moricorm nodded, closing her eyes. "Yes." She'd never been FOND of Haramu-chanua, dedicated as she was to Sparda's ideals...but she'd still been family. And Windeleer...ah Moricorm did miss her. She'd liked her niece. "I do not intend to stay away forever, and I shall still do my duty as a Neumare. But...I cannot watch as the pride we grew up with becomes...something not truly what it was meant to be. I will return once a ruler I feel can do this pride justice takes Morifaer's throne, even if that ruler is not myself."

Nyota returned Moricorm's nod with one of his own, shifting a bit to drape his tail around her haunches. It was a gesture he'd made often when they were younger, when he'd seriously entertained the idea of mating with her before he'd known any better. It was something familiar, and it came to him naturally. He remained silent, merely allowing himself to delight in her presence for as long as he might have it. After a long moment he finally spoke up, voicing the first and most important question to come to his mind.

"When are you leaving?"

Moricorm was comforted by the familiar gesture. If only their lines hadn't dominated the pride...perhaps it would be the two of them on the thrones, ruling together. But the past was the past, and what would never happen was not something to dwell on. "In the middle of the day. It is best that way, while most are sleeping. They will assume I have just wandered out again to do my duty."

Nyota nodded to himself, flicking the tip of his tail absently until it settled across her paws. He extended his claws briefly, digging small furrows into the soil beneath his own paws. The prospect of Moricorm, his oldest and dearest friend leaving, didn't exactly settle well with him. He understood her reasoning, of course, but it wasn't exactly something he'd ever considered happening. His lips twitched briefly and he glanced towards her once again.

"You should go say hello to Balia's cubs before you leave. And be sure to say your farewell to Mother as well. I'll never hear the end of it if you don't."

Moricorm couldn't help but laugh. "Do not worry. I shall visit your mother before I leave. And...congratulations, on becoming a grandfather." She looked towards the cubs. "They are beautiful." Even the one with so much white coloring could serve his bloodline well...A slave bound to his brothers and sisters by their very blood, a master/slave bond that would be strong. Hm...that was a thought.

"Thank you. I can already feel my bones beginning to creak with age. Quick, check my mane for silver hairs!" Nyota chuckled softly, smiling down while looking at the cubs again. In a way, he almost pitied the poor white boy - what had his name been? Ben Fëa? He could only hope that whoever the cub wound up bound to treated him well. It would be a shame to see one of his blood mistreated in any way. He would have to have a talk with Balia later about the cub's fate. He could only hope his daughter would listen to him.

Moricorm smirked and leaned against him, looking for all the world like she was. "Why Nyota, I do believe I see one right here!" She laughed softly, then sighed. "I will miss here. And you." Her oldest and closest friend, the one who understood her best. And one of three who knew the Ri deep beneath the layers of a need to control, the urging of her demons, and the darkness of her father. "I know Umarth is staying. Watch over her? For all my disagreements with her, and all the things she reminds me of...she is still my daughter."

Nyota returned Moricorm's laugh, shaking his mane lightly and glancing himself over in a brief moment of vanity, ensuring she had only been joking. As soon as the moment passed, he nodded, shifting to gently nudge the lioness' cheek. "I will miss you as well, Moricorm." He offered her a sad smile, licking her cheek in a brief moment of affection. "I'll take care of her as if she were my own. And you, keep an eye open for my son? You'll know him when you see him - he has the same markings on his back as I do mine."

Ri nodded, returning the lick by hiding her face in his shoulder a moment, her own sign of trust and affection. When she looked back up, she smiled sadly as well. "I shall." Nyota's son would be one of the few pale lions she would NEVER seek to enslave or trick. She valued Nyota's friendship that much. "I'll send Ithil back now and again, to check in. Along with recruits. And..." She closed her eyes. "When I return, I shall return with plenty of new blood for the pride, strong blood. When Ithil visits, tell her if the pride is in need of new blood once more, and I'll make sure the pride has it. Our pride will not fall to inbreeding." She would never allow it. She loved it too much.

Nyota nodded, taking a deep breath before steeling himself once again. The time for fond memories was over now. He needed to bid Moricorm his final farewells, although he dearly hoped they wouldn't be too final. His lips twitched briefly as a thought occurred to him. "Of course. I'll keep you updated on everything. Although hopefully I'll have a bird of my own someday. It would certainly be more convenient than needing to wait on Ithil every time something important happens."

Ri chuckled, nodding. "If Ithil has any chicks, I'll be sure to make sure you get one." She knew her little bird would be happy to have one of hers serve a master such as Nyota. She stood, looking to her old friend again. "Until we meet again, Nyota. May Sparda watch over you and Morifaer give you strength."