Ny and Tabia grew closer by the days. He was in love. He was walking to her den where he pretty much lived at. He was always in there. Nyeusi was sure by now most of the pride knew about there so called secret relationship. Nyoka knew. Nanashi knew. Noir knew. The whole pride knew. So he didn’t even bother hiding. He wondered if she was even awake yet, if she wasn’t he would wait. His life was complete.

He walked into her den, “Tabia? Are you awake yet?” His voice was soft; he didn’t want to wake her if she was sleep.

The sound of someone being quietly sick greeted him, and a muffled, slightly strained voice answered him, “Yes...just...just give me a moment Ny.” Tabia laid her head on her paws, feeling like she'd just heaved out all the meals she had eaten in the past week. She felt absolutely wretched. Like she did when she had to much fermented fruit and not enough water. Closing her golden eyes, she willed her stomach to settle down, or to at least make it so she could stand without wanting to fall right back down again.

Ny could hear something was wrong, it was in the voice. He was worried. “Are you okay darling?” Pausing in his footsteps should he intrude further, did she want him to go further? He slowly began to walk closer. “Tabia are you feeling okay?” He slowly made his way to her with his ears down. Whenever she was sick he felt responsible. He knew he would do anything except be there for her, which he would do. He followed her angelic voice to where he saw her laying down. “What’s wrong?” His ruby eyes searching her face for answers.

Tabia looked up at him, her face a mask of misery, “ I don't know Ny. I keep getting sick, all times of the day, weather of eaten or not.” She suddenly turned a horrid shade of green and turned away to be sick again in the turtle shell Ajani had found her when she first had started to become ill a couple of days ago.

Her face flushed with embarrassment that Ny had to see her like this, and she just wanted to crawl off into a corner somewhere and sleep for the next three years. “ I'm sorry, I normally wouldn't let anyone except Ajani see me so weak and pathtic and so not entertainer like.” Her ears laid back against her head for a moment, then drooped to the side as she felt her gorge rise again, only there wasn't anything left for her to void from her stomach.

Ny felt helpless when he saw how is poor Tabia looked. He didn't know how to make her better, he slowly went to her and took the empty spot next to her and began to lick the top of her head. " You still look beautiful to me, every moment of every day." He slightly nuzzled against her neck in an attempts to make her feel better.

"Have you eating anything bad lately?" Tabia was normally has tough as nails much like himself but now she was so helpless. He's never seen her look so weak; he was really worried but all he could do was try to make her feel better.

Not that I know of. I eat with the Pride or with you.” She closed her eyes and leaned into him, panting a little, but pleased that he was there. It made her feel much better despite the fact that she knew she looked like something the fighters drug in to know he didn't mind she wasn't at her best at the moment.

“ I think I need a healer Ny, or someone who knows some kind of herb lore.” Tabia turned another shade of green and closed her golden eyes, fighting her errant stomach for a bit before groaning softly, “ Remind me that next time a recruit someone for the Pride, that they are well versed in healing...ok?”

Ny felt helpless.

He didn’t want to leave her not like this but he had to find someone; he was at a cross road he didn’t know what to do. Maybe Nyoka would know someone in the pride who could help. But he really didn’t want to leave Tabia; she was so weak and helpless…. He licker her head while he thought about what to do. “I don’t think I know anyone in the pride who can help.” He looked at his purple beauty and wish it was him…

“But you do know someone.” A dark colored leopard stood at the entrance; her tail swaying back and forth. “I saw you might need my help.” Rhea walked in there den but stood a few feet away. She was able to come alone because well she wasn’t leaving the pride so she was safe. She looked at the purple cheetah. “Hello I’m Rhea, may I come closer?” She always felt like she had to introduce herself because well no one outside of the royal family knew of her. She was the prides secret, the seer, and a healer of sorts. Her visions so powerful they would cause her to black out, but over time she was able to learn some control, but she still had trouble remembering her visions; but she was getting better.

Tabia's ears went back and she showed her teeth, her body tenseing for a second. She was still on edge with the recent events between herself and the Queen, but she pushed the unease back and lowered her eyes in apology, “ I am sorry, I normally am not so...so unwelcoming. I have just not been well and the stress lately....” Tabia looked up at Ny, silently asking him if he thought it would be alright to have the strange feline come into their den, and even more, come closer.

Ny looked at the leopard. “Can you help her?” He felt Tabia’s unease, causing him to feel on edge but he had to ignore it for the sake of his mate. He looked down into her golden eyes, they were just as beautiful the first night they met. His voice felt like there was a knot in it. “Just please help her…” He slowly gave Tabia a reassuing nudge following her a gentle lick.

Rhea smiled, “I can help her, and neither one of you need worry.” She gave them both a genuine smile before taking a spot infront of the ill cheetah. “Now then there are 2 options, I can see what happened or you can tell me whats wrong?”

Ny tensed up as she got closer, non-chalantly moving closer to Tabia. “What do you mean SEE whats wrong?”

Rhea looked at him, moonlight pale eyes looking at him. “I’m a seer, according to Nyoka a very powerful and useful one, that’s how I knew to come here. I saw it.” Looking back at Tabia, “You have nothing to worry about. I don’t bite.” She gave a very are-free giggle. “So which option would you like my dear?”

Tabia knew she was staring like one of Ajani's fish, but she couldn't help it. She'd never heard of such a thing and frankly had no idea how to answer. She found herself feeling very vulnerable and off kilter, which made her want to bite. Instead of giving into a fit of temper, which the sweet feline had not earned, Tabia turned her muzzle into Ny's chest and muttered into his ruff.
“ I just don't feel well. I can't eat, I can't sleep and it takes all my effort just to crawl out of my bed in the mornings. I feel as weak as a day old cub. Its been coming and going, but yesterday and today, its been almost non-stop with the nausea.”

Rhea chuckled a little something she shouldn’t have done, but she couldn’t help it. She knew what it was but on a level she couldn’t help but giggle at the female, she didn’t know what was going on in her own body.

Ny growled a little, “Whats so funny?” The growl escaped through his teeth like venom.

“Im sorry, please forgive my rudeness.” The young adult leopard gain her composer and took a deep breath. “Well, I never have needed to diagnose this, most others tend to KNOW, but off and on nausea, ansomnia and being lethargic are all signs of being pregnant.” Rhea chuckled once again. That was one of the first things she learned from her mother.

Ny’s jaw dropped.