

1. Restrain (塞, sai) -Locks a target's arms in place behind their back.

4. Crawling Rope (這縄, hainawa) -An energy rope entangles a target's arms.

8. Repulse (斥, seki) -Creates a round shield that seems to temporarily paralyze and repel whatever strikes it

9. Strike (撃, geki) -Engulfs a target in red light, completely paralyzing them.
Incantation: Disintegrate, you black dog of Rondanini! Look upon yourself with horror and then claw out your own throat!

9. Hōrin (Disintegrating Circle) -Causes an orange hued tendril with spiraling yellow patterns to erupt from the users hand and attempt to trap a target. the end of it remains in the hands of the user allowing them to control the path of the tendril before and after capture. The Kidō is able to connect with another one of itself if both have captured a target and bind them together.

Incantation: "Disintegrate, you black dog of Rondanini!! Look upon yourself with horror and tear out your own throat!"

12. Fushibi: -A net formed from an attachment point on the caster, can be small or large depending ong the reiatsu force behind it.

21. Red Smoke Escape (赤煙遁, sekienton) -Creates a blast upon activation and is used like a ninja's smoke bomb.

26. Curving Light (曲光, kyakko) -Hides the target from sight, presumably by bending light.

30. Beak-Stab Triple Beam (嘴突三閃, Shitotsu Sansen) - Shoots three beams of light that pin the target to one place on a surface, slamming into his/her body in three places in a shape of a perfect triangle.

37. Suspending Star (吊星, tsuriboshi) -Creates a star-shaped cushion of Spiritual Energy, which anchors it to nearby objects with "ropes" of spirit particles. It can stop falling objects, acting like a safety net.

39. Arc Shield (円閘扇, enkosen) -Summons a shield of energy to block opponents' attacks.

58. Summoning of the Tracking Sparrows (摑趾追雀, kakushitsuijaku) -Tracks and locates any spiritual force the user focuses on. To activate it, the user must draw a circle on the ground, cut into four parts with a specific character in each. The incantation animates the circle, causing various numbers to appear within until the specific set is found. The number set seems to be a variation on longitude and latitude.
Incantation: Heart of the south, eye of the north, finger of the west, foot of the east, arrive with the wind and depart with the rain.

61. Six Rods Prison of Light (六杖光牢, rikujōkōrō) -Summons six thin, but wide, beams of light that slam into a target's midsection, holding them in place. Referred to as "Six Rod Light Restraint" in the English manga and "Six Bars of Light" in some of the games.
Incantation: Carriage of thunder. Bridge of a spinning wheel. With light, divide this into six.

62. Hundred Stepped Rails (百歩欄干, hyapporankan) -A rod formed of energy is thrown towards the target before it disintegrates into numerous short rods which are used to pin the target to the surroundings and render them immobile.

63. Winding Binding Chain (鎖条鎖縛, sajō sabaku) -The target is wrapped from the neck down in a thick chain.

73. Falling Mountain Crystal (落下クリスタルマウンテン, tozansho) -Forms and upside down pyramidal barrier. Has yet to be defined as to what exactly it can keep out.

75. Quintet of 1 kan Iron Pillars (五柱鉄貫, gochūtekkan) -Summons five incredibly tall and thick pillars to pin a target to the ground.
Incantation: Walls of iron sand, a priestly pagoda, glowing ironclad fireflies. Standing upright, silent to the end.

77. Heavenly Rickshaws in Silken Air (天挺空羅, tenteikūra) -Transmits messages to anyone within a specific area. In addition to reciting the spell, the user must draw specific markings on their arms, which are animated by the spell to convey the messages.
Incantation: Black and white net. Twenty-two bridges, sixty-six crowns and belts. Footprints, distant thunder, sharp peak, engulfing land, hidden in the night, sea of clouds, blue line. Form a circle and fly through the heavens.

81. Splitting Void (斷空, dankū) -Creates an energy barrier in the form of a rectangular wall. According to Byakuya, it is capable of stopping destructive spells up to #89.

99, Part 1. Restrict (禁, kin) -Binds the arms of a target with spiritual fabric and iron shafts.

99, Part 2. Great Seal (卍禁, bankin) -This spell's effects are divided into three "songs":
First Song: Halting Fabric (初曲・止繃, shokyoku: shiryū) covers a target from head to toe with a binding cloth.
Second Song: Hundred Linked Bolts (弐曲・百連閂, nikyoku: hyakurensan) stabs the target with numerous thick needles.
Final Song: Great Seal of 10,000 Forbiddings (終曲・卍禁太封, shūkyoku: bankin taihō) smashes the target with an immense boulder.


1. Thrust (衝, shō) -Pushes the target away from the caster.

4. White Lightning (白雷, byakurai) -Fires a concentrated bolt of white lightning from the caster's forefinger.

11. Bound Lightning (製本雷, tsuzuri raiden) -Electric current flows through any object the user touches and is able to lead electricity, damaging any target that is in contact with the object the current runs through.

31. Shot of Red Fire (赤火砲, shakkahō, Red Flame Cannon in the English dub) -Fires a ball of red fire at a target.
Incantation: Ye Lord! Mask of blood and flesh, all creation, flutter of wings, ye who bears the name of Man! Inferno and pandemonium, The sea barrier surges, March on to the south!

33. Blue Fire, Crash Down (蒼火墜, sōkatsui, Pale Fire Crash in the English dub) -Fires a column of blue fire at a target in a similar manner to 31, but over a wider area and with more power.
Incantation: Ye Lord! Mask of flesh and bone, all creation, flutter of wings, ye who bears the name of Man! Truth and temperance, Upon this sinless wall of dreams unleash but slightly the wrath of your claws! In the English dub, it is read as "Ruler, the mask of blood and flesh, all things in the universe that fly, that which names all! In the name of truth and temperance, dig your claws into the wall of sinless dreams!

54. Abolishing Flames (廃炎, haien) -Fires a blast of purple fire that will incinerate a target completely when it makes contact.

58. Orchid Sky (闐嵐, tenran) - A widening tornado-like blast is fired towards the target.

63. Thunder Roar Cannon (雷吼炮, raikōhō) -Fires a massive wave of yellow lightning at a target.
Incantation: Sprinkled on the bones of the beast! Sharp tower, red crystal, steel ring. Move and become the wind, stop and become the calm. The sound of warring spears fills the empty castle!

73. Twin Lotus Blue Fire, Crash Down (双蓮蒼火墜, sōren sōkatsui) -Essentially a doubled version of #33, this spell fires two shots of blue fire with greater potency than the single-shot variety.
Incantation: Mask of blood and flesh, all creation, flutter of wings, ye who bears the name of Man! On the wall of blue flame, inscribe a twin lotus. In the abyss of conflagration, wait at the far heavens.

88. Flying Dragon Striking, Heaven-Shaking, Lightning Cannon (飛竜撃賊震天雷砲, hiryūgekizokushintenraihō) -Fires a massive blast of spiritual energy in a fashion similar to a laser.

90. Black Coffin (黒棺, kurohitsugi) -Forms a box of black energy around a target, which is then pierced by dozens of energy "spears", lacerating the one inside from head to toe. Aizen notes that the spell only reached a third of its destructive potential the one time he uses it, indicating that the spell would be far more damaging at full power. Its appearance and function is reminiscent of a common magician's trick, as well as certain torture devices used during the Spanish Inquisition.

96. Ittō Kasō (一刀火葬, Single Blade Cremation) -It is a spell that causes a huge pillar of fire to erupt from the ground in the shape of a katana's tip. It is a forbidden technique that can only be activated by using one's own charred body as a catalyst, thus also called the spell of sacrifice.
Incantation: unknown.

Uncategorized Spells:

Ambush Flare (伏火, fushibi) — Momo Hinamori uses this spell in conjunction with Shot of Red Fire. Rangiku Matsumoto states that it is number 12, but does not specify whether it is a Destructive or a Binding Spell.

White Crawl (白伏, hakufuku) — Although not seen actually using it, Momo Hinamori apparently uses this spell while imprisoned to knock out a guard and destroy everything within a certain radius of herself. The anime suggests that it is a binding spell, but doesn't number it.

Mirror Door (鏡門, kyōmon) — Tōshirō Hitsugaya used this to seal Momo Hinamori's hospital room. It creates a glass-like barrier which is difficult to break from the outside, but quite simple to break from the inside.

Reverse Demon (反鬼, hanki) — This technique nullifies an opponent's kidō by hitting them with a perfectly opposite surge of energy. Yoruichi uses this against Soifon's shunkō. The reverse demon technique is not exactly a kidou, but will be counted as one nonetheless.

Forbidden Spells:

Temporal Stasis (時間停止, jikanteishi) — A forbidden spell used by Tessai along with kūkanten'i. It is a spell that halts time in a specific area.

Spatial Displacement (空間転位, kūkanten'i) — A forbidden spell used by Tessai with jikanteishi to teleport a specified portion of space from one point to another, transporting even other active kidō spells.