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A literate roleplay for the wonderful world of Bleach 

Tags: Bleach, roleplay, shinigami 

Reply Squad 7-Hakudo (Hand to hand) Specialists
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Kya Akai Kitsune

PostPosted: Mon Aug 08, 2011 2:08 pm
Post your accepted profile here.  
PostPosted: Sun Oct 02, 2011 8:24 pm
Character Information

Name- Nickolas Sane
Nickname-Nick or Nicky
Age (Appearance)-25
Actual Age-243
Rank-Vice Captain
Reitsu Color-Black and White


Eye Color-Green
Hair Color-Brown
Hair Description-Nicks hair is like a sandy beach brown that he keeps neatly combed.
Markings-He has a light scar under his right eye, and also has an eye patch over it.
Description-Nick stands at five feet eleven inches and weighs a hundred and eighty-five pounds. his clothing of choice is a frill loose shirt that he wears under his shinigami robes. You can see the frills on the sleeves and neck area. He has a very gentle face on him and it can easily turn hostile if on the wrong side of him. he acts like a gentleman and has a set of rules he doesn't like to break. his face can look even more threatening because of a scar that is formed on his right eye from the top of his forehead to the bottom of his cheek the eye it's self is covered by an eye patch.

Extra-Nick always carries a silver Violin with him.


Description- Nick is a very kind and loyal person who will do whatever it takes to care for someone. He is a strong believer in hard work and always moves foreword knowing nothing good can come from lazing on the past. He is very intelligent and that could make him seem alittle arrogant to others who don't know him well. He is really a lover of the great outdoors. He is usually a constant smiler and enjoys the company of others.
Likes- Fun. Kind and respectful people. playing classical music on the violin.
Dislikes-Rudness and laziness


Spirit's Name- Ookami Ningen[Werewolf]
Sealed Appearance- It is a normal blade but it is hidden inside the violin the handle being also the neck of the Violin.
Spirit's Description- Ookami Ningen is a normal black wolf that talks he is tricky and deceitful to anyone who isn't Nick being that he is also surprisingly loyal.
Shikai Release Phrase-Change with the Moon, Ookami Ningen
Shikai Description-Once released the blade splits into two Axes one axe is black with a white hilt and the other has the white blade with the black hilt.
Abilities- Black Light Strike: Nick swings the axes down on the ground sending a black shock wave into the ground in about a ten foot diameter, but can be directed to single out an enemy and focus it increasing its diameter to thirty feet. Depending on the distance of the an enemy of a Higher rank the power is increased so for instance at the thirty feet distance or edge of the attack it would feel like a taser shock but the watts of electricity increase to that of a lightning strike when at close range (1-6 feet). of course if the opponent is of the same rank than instead of a taser at the 30 feet mark it would be similar to sticking a metal object into an electric socket, and against someone of lower ranking it would no matter the distance cause severe electric damage(not just paralyzing the lower ranker, but also close to third degree electric burns.)

White Light Burst: Nick brings together his axes, and clashes them together and a burst of White light shoots out from them. It looks similar to getsuga, but it 10ft tall, and 3ft wide. The recharge time is one post. This light doesn't cut but burns. It burns at 110degrees Fahrenheit and can burn through the objects. The attack moves at 50 miles an hour.

Black&White Rapid Fire: In this ability an orb of Nicks reiatsu forms around the axes. [white orb, black blade, Black orb, white blade] The orbs can be held and aimed for accuracy. The orbs shoot at 70 miles and hour, they are the sized of a bowling ball, and weigh as much as it too. They are solid orbs when released from the axes, and the recharge is three posts because of the amount of reiatsu.

Power up:This is constant even when sealed all it does is increase the Kido power. to were all need say is the name of the kido, but only works for lightning based kido.

Bankai Release Phase-Bankai, Arufa Ookami[alpha werewolf]
Bankai Description- Nicks Clothing gets a wolf pelt that goes over his back and the top part of the wolfs head is on his. the Axes are now Javilin like in length and are double bladed the colors stay the same.
Abilities- Aside from the attack from Shikai Nicks Bankai creates a field of a two block radius nick being at the center so if he moves the field moves. Whoever steps within that field friend or foe suffers a delusion. inside the field all color is erased leaving everything black and white. also within the field the vision is changed and the appearances are exchanged. To anyone with the exception of Nick, will see things differently.For example a building could end up looking like a chair and a chair could be mistaken for a lion. Nick can be mistaken as a chair or even take on the enemy's appearance also the enemy when looking on a reflective surface can look as Nick or any other member friend or foe.


Can do Kido up to number 60 for Hado and 40 for Bakudo


Human World- Nick was born in a small town in the middle of nowhere, so he grew up knowing most of the people in his town. He was a very smart kid, but not so responsible with his intelligence. He loved helping people with their problems, but he would also think of ways to cause them. It was during this time that he had begun to feel alone with everyone in town avoiding him. Chilling out under the stars or a shady tree with his violin became his new past time by the time he was 8 he was already head of his class,and an excellent violinist, and of course everyone hated him for not only being unmistakably smart, but for also being talented, while everyone had to cram for upcoming tests, he could just relax. Growing up without friends had really cause him to feel alone in the world, but all he needed was some real human contact. He had decided to start letting his grades slip so that his classmates would like him more but it came to no avail. One night while he sat under the stars he had the idea that he was going to make friends no matter what. That was the night he died the night of his 9th birthday. Standing up from the ground he ran happily to his house with his new idea until he was stopped and thrown into the nearby wall. He was never one to believe in monsters but there stood one right in front of him, as this man walked up to him threw that shadows he realized that it was not a regular man. In this man's eyes he realized this man was a murderous monster. The man rose a blade and brought it down on his throat.
Early Soul Society- Waking up in Rukongai, his new home, he felt the anger for the man that took his life from him. When he was starting out he had to defend himself on the streets, so he learned to fight during the day and when the moon came out he continued to play his violin sitting under the tree he remembered the enjoyment he felt during life. He tried to forget about the monster that haunted his dreams, but it wasn't possible. When he met his first Shinigami and found out about how they are constantly sent out to kill the evil sent out in the world, and he than decided that that was how he was going to achieve what he really need which was to end that monster in his dream. From then he decided to put the majority of his knowledge into training for it. He was finally able to become one and new it was his first step to completing what he wanted to do.


When he had entered the academy it was nothing like he had ever experienced before it was full of amazing people with amazing abilities. Even though he was intimidated he knew that it was the only way to calm his insanity that that incident had increased. He trained hard everyday and still felt like he was coming up short. He trained for hours trying the best he could to get stronger. He never imagined that the academy was going to be so difficult and with their graduation coming up he knew that he was running out of time. He would switch off between strength training and Kidou training. He excelled really well at lightning based Kidou, so he kept his training up on that. He felt that he was getting to the point where his body felt like it could no longer approve until he heard some Shinigami talking "Yeah I heard that he got his shikai." one said to the other ", I didn't know getting one would increase your power so much, its truly a sight." Nick could no longer just easy drop so he bumped in.
"Excuse me, but what is a shikai, and how do I get one?" they looked at each other and laughed.
"A Shikai is a stage in a Zanpaktou when its power gets increased." one said
Then the other one said, "and the part of getting one," he laughed "It takes complete concentration and a goal you need to work towards." The two shinigami walked away. Nick thought to himself that he had concentration and a goal why couldn't he get one.

Inner World

One night as the moon shown bright, he realized that to become stronger he was going to need to look within himself to find what he needed. He closed his eyes and fell into a trance. When he opened his eyes again he was sitting in a clearance in the woods with a full moon shining down making the scence apear black and white, and in the middle of the clearance was a stage with a violin surrounded with a bright white light. He picked up the instrument and the Moons light formed like a tunnel surrounding him, and then the light started to flicker around him. He started to play,and as the music left his Violin it seemed to mold with the light making it softer the black light less intense. ["What beautiful music you play." a voice filled the room and Nick stopped playing. "No don't stop it is very soothing." Nick placed the violin gently on his shoulder and began to play. "You are very talented." the voice began to say again.
"Who's there?" he asked still playing the soothing tune.
The voice laughed and it sounded almost cynical "Please forgive my rudeness I am known as [Name Here]." as the voice said his name a bolt of black light struck the ground, and began to fill the room. When Nick looked at it he could see the form of a wolf in the light. ",And what is your name?"
"My name is Nickolas Sane." He said as he switched the tune of his song.
"N. Sane. huh your mother must have had a deranged sense of humor."
"I wouldn't know."
"I see, you have a goal in life you need more strength I could give it to you. If you would like?"
"I would very much like for you to lend me strength, but why would you give it to me?"
"Its your music, it calms the storm in my mind."
"I see it does the same for you as it does for me." The wolf laughed again ",but how would you be able to lend me this strength, and what exactly are you?"
"I am a Zanpaktou and I could be yours if you promise to play me this music, and when we share each other we will become one and my strength will add on to yours." the wolf smiled a tricky smile and Nick smiled back with a matching grin.
"I accept your proposition." The light flashed behind them "Lend me your strength and I will play you my music." They approached each other. "How will I call on you when I need you?"
"Just call my name, and i will be there to aid you." Nick held his hand out and when the wolf put his paw on it a light flashed and there was a new sword in his hand, a zanpaktou...[Name Here].

Academy pt.II

The next day at the academy Nick felt ready to take on the world, to take on the best. He went out there for class ready to strike, his confidence bursting through showing him how to finally fight against his self doubt. He breezed threw the tests one after another, until he got stuck this student was far better than he was. He started to talk to the spirit "I need your strength please lend it to me." The match was stopped and they took their brakes. All of a sudden a bolt of black light struck and in a flash Nick was standing in the clearance in the woods. "you called me?" in another flash the wolf was sitting in front of him.

"Yes, I can't win against this guy and I thought that you were supposed to make me stronger, but..."
"We made a promise if you do not do your side how will I be able to fulfill mine."
"So if I play you a song you will help me to fight this guy."
"I will if you play me a song."
"Alright." with another flash of light he was standing on the stage and the wolf was sitting in the stands. He leaned over and picked up his violin. As soon as the bow hit the strings of the violin he felt a surge of power enter his sword.
"That's it let the Light enter your body." The wolf smiled "Your getting there. Now you will learn of my abilities." As Nick flowed into his music it seemed as if his energy was bursting forth, and as the match restarted he was too consumed in his music to notice the opponent rushing at him with his zanpaktou in hand. As the guy brought down his sword on Nick a burst of reiatsu shot fourth protecting him. When that happened Nick grabbed the neck of the violin and pulled the sword out from it.

"Change like the moon,Ookami ningen" The violin sword and base were released into the form of two axes Kidou based and realized this was his shikai "Ookami ningen" He smiled and used this to block the guys sword. He flung the opponent, and "Black&White Rapid Fire" He held both of his axes out to the opponents direction and both began to form orbs. They burst rapidly firing the reiatsu orbs at him in succession. The opponent used shunpo to avoid it, but Nick followed with his own shunpo. As the technique stopped the opponent was slightly exhausted. Nick appeared next to his opponent "White Light Burst." After fighting in the match he was able to graduate and apply to the seventh squad. Everyday he played for his zanpaktou in order to receive the strength he needed, and everyday they grew closer.
In the 13 Court Guard Squads Nick loved being apart of the 7th squad it was everything he hopped for. He followed under the Captain loyally, and followed every order given to him only his time spent there could help him get better, and stronger. This squad became his family he could only hope to be as strong, and have loyal people around him. He liked having conversations with his Captain, and has talked with his Zanpaktou and uncovered some other abilities, increasing his power. Then as he accompanied his Captain to the human world a massive amount of hollows appeared as they where attacked they each were high leveled a Captain and his Vice Captain Nick had Just learned of his Bankai but was afraid to use it as it would also tangle the captain within it's ability. As Nick fell running out of breathe he wondered why back up hadn't came as he was about to be murdered by a hollow his Captain pulled him out of the way but the monsters claw was still to close tearing across his eye the blood now pouring down his face. "Captain we need to get out of here or we will both be killed." Nick looked through his left eye and saw the Captain frown. He opened the gate and threw Nick inside sealing it behind Nick who only saw as the horde had began to fight his captain the number 7 on the Captains back was the last he saw passing out from the loss of blood. When he awoke a month later in the fourth squads barracks he couldn't believe what had happened it wasn't possible that his Captain was pronounced dead. It was almost a year after the event that Nick was appointed Captain of his squad and wore the same number 7 on his back. He Made a silent vow to be strong so that he could protect the people he cared about just as his Captain had previously protected him.    


Kamino Nabarre

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 04, 2011 11:34 am
Character Information

Age (Appearance)-16
Actual Age-250
Birth-date-January 1
Reitsu Color-Indigo


Eye Color-purple
Hair Color-White
Hair Description-short and spiky
Markings-Many scars on his back and chest and a purple tattoo on his left cheek
Description-User Image
Byakuran looks like any other sixteen year old with the exception of his white hair and purple eyes he has a tattoo on the left side of his face

Extra-he carries around a Mink he has made his pet


Description-Kuroda is tough and never backs down from a fight he's stuborn but also kind
Likes-Fishing, eating sweets and peaceful moments
Dislikes-Anyone who attacks the soul society


Spirit's Name-A-chi Enzeru
Sealed Appearance- a small knife with a dragon symbol carved in the blade
Spirit's Description-A-chi Enzeru is very stuborn it will never admit defeat or give in
Shikai Release Phrase-The trumpet has sounded A-chi Enzeru
Shikai Description-the kinife transforms into a long Katana with a white blade and hilt with intricate patterns on it and the word Redeemer in Kanji carved in the blade
Abilities-In shikai the blade can control gravity each swing of the blade throws a wave of gravity at the oponent it is also able to stop a person in their tracts
Bankai Release Phase-Obey God and honor him A-chi Enzeru
Bankai Description-Kuroda gains wings and his sword transform into a regular Katana with the same design as the shikai
Abilities-it is able to control gravity to a higher extent allowing Kuroda to lift boulders just by looking at them. It also allows Kuroda to use an asorment of moves

Heavens light: Kuroda blinds his enemy with a white light allowing him to make a quick escape
Heavenly arrows: he shoots a arrow of reiatsu into the air which then dispurses and falls to the earth with incredible strenght


Expert Hakuda
Expert Kido


Human World-Kuroda was son to a wealthy man Known as Shiro kazekawa Kuroda looked up to his father and love very much and for a time things were peaceful and Kuroda was happy. Until one day that the police found that Kuroda's father was selling drugs after his trial Kuroda's father was sentenced to life in prison and Kuroda who was sixteen at the time took over his fathers drug running industry he kept things quiet and never talk to anyone about his job everything was good again for Kuroda until he was shot down infront of his house at the age of seventeen.

Early Soul Society-After his death Kuroda wandered the city looking for anyone to help him his days were tough he was chased by hollows almost everyday and his health was degrading quickly until on the day that his true death was to take place he was saved by a soul reaper and had Konso performed on him and found himself in the Kusajishi district were he fought to survive he gained enough experience to gain control of his very own area of the district he lived happily for a couple years until he grew bored with his rule and decided to join the Soul society getting into the academy thanks to his geat power.

In the 13 Court Guard Squads-After joining the soul society Kuroda quickly showed his abilities in combat showing his power in Hakuda and Soho he quickly rose to the rank of lieutenant in just a month after his joining to squad seven Kuroda was happy for a time and he grew to love his job and showed great potential but his days as lieutenant were numbered after the death of the captain of his squad the place went to chaos he quickly got tired with how things were going he quickly tried to find someone who would be sutible to be captain but with no avail until the day he was nominated to be captain even though he was reluctant at first Kuroda accepted and was made the captain of squad seven a month later.
Squad 7-Hakudo (Hand to hand) Specialists

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