Gizadunia was sad. It wasn't the kind of sad that came and went. It was a melancholy kind of sad that just lingered over her head day in and day out. It was the kind of sad that clogged her throat and made her heart ache. Giza wasn't sure how much more of this cloying, choking emotion she could take.

Giza had a habit of giving and giving and giving until she had nothing more to give. Her heart was so tattered and shredded that it was hard to pick up the pieces and try to make it whole again. Giza fell in love easily and when she did she fell hard, and she was on the outs once more. Having been taken as a fool -- cuckolded, really -- Giza did what she'd done so many times in the past.

She ran.

She had heard word of a pride that she could lose herself in, and though they were a pride of pirate-types, Giza figured that it would be better than wallowing in sadness. Besides, perhaps this time she learned her lesson. It was time for a clean slate, and this pride would give her that.

Her duties done for the evening, Makena headed for the warm sands. She knew that the sun going down over the water was the prettiest sight she had ever seen. She tried to catch it every day though some days she wasnt able to finish her duties in time. It didnt bother her though. She enjoyed being around others and keeping busy. She couldnt help herself. She thrived on keeping busy. Her red orbs glittered as she felt the sands shift under her paws. It was warm and she almost sunk a bit into it. She could hear the roar of the ocean and she smiled as the whitecaps rolled onto the oh so golden earth.

Giza knew she was getting close when she heard the gentle crashing of the waves against the giving sands. She wasn't sure how long she'd traveled along the coast when she came up against a stranger. Hesitant, not wanting to offend and yet not wanting to come off as a weaking, Giza paused for a long moment, just watching the other female.

"Greetings," she called out, the ebb and flow of the waves lending a musical background to her somewhat gravelly voice. "Have I found the land of the Pirates?"

Makena wasnt startled at the voice. In fact, she was rarely startled by much. She was a steadfast, brave female but she was about as sweet as it got when it came to a girl.

"Hello, Stranger." She said with a smile, her own voice light and melodic, unlike the deeper tone. She was wary of strangers, but for some reason she wasn't wary of this one. She didnt seem weak, but she didn't come off as aggressive either.

"Indeed you have. Land of the pirates, and home of the bad eggs." She said with a chuckle, though she realized it was a rather dumb joke.

Giza offered a hesitant smile though her eyes did not echo the sentiment. "I am Gizadunia," she said with something that might've been pride, "and I seek admittance to the pride." Dipping her head, the perpetual frown that marred her brow was made more evident. It was almost as if she expected to be turned down or denied, and if she was... well, Giza would likely throw herself into the ocean's warm, welcoming arms.

She watched the other female carefully, ears perked as she waited for a response.

She was straight to the point, and Makena was caught off guard. Normally others wanted to chat. But she wasnt turned off by the idea and she smiled warmly.

"You have come to a good place." She said sincerely. "Its definitely a place I like calling home."

She knew Pirato never turned down applicants. She knew how much he really believed in the power of numbers. And females were always a plus.

"I can take you to see Pirato if you like. The Pirate King enjoys and encourages others to join. Pleasure to meet you Gizadunia. Im Makena'Lisedi. You can call me Kena though."

Giza liked hearing that. She really did. This would be a chance for her to start anew. A chance to forget the pain of days past, a chance to forget that her heart bore the scars of much heartbreak. This would be good, and for the first time in a long time the smile that had been forced just moments ago brightened into a smile that actually reached her eyes.

"Kena," she repeated, unsure of how to proceed. "I would be honored to meet this King of yours. What duties are your responsibility in this pride?" It made her feel comfortable to know that this female did so enjoy her home. Giza only hoped that she would come to love it as much as Kena did.

"Please, call me Giza."

"Well. My duties are what I choose for the most part. My duty is usually attending to other Pirates and raising the cubs. However there are others that share my job, and then others who hunt. Im called a Corsair." She said with a smile, bowing her head as she turned and motioned for hte female to follow with her paw.

"Come Giza! I can take you to the heart of the pride, where all can greet you properly." She said with a grin. "The Ships are out for the evening, and only a small band of Pirates remain protecting the pride. So you will have to meet him in the morning my dear. But I can find you shelter and food. You shant what for a thing." She asid nodding, and realized just how much she liked welcoming others.

Giza felt carefree for the first time in a long time. She clung to the feeling with all of her might, hoping never to let it go. Her heart beat heavy in her chest. More than anything, Giza was looking forward to this chance at a new beginning. Kena had such a vibrance that Giza envied. Perhaps in time she could find her own source of the emotion. Yes, Giza loved thinking of the future now. She was excited for the first time in a long time at the prospect of settling down with a pride, a place to call home.

"I am a bit hungry," Giza admitted with a shy little smile. Though it was small, it was genuine, and Giza immediately started following Kena.

"You'll love it here.. You'll see. Everyone can be quite entertaining. There are a few that are a bit questionable.. But you learn who those are rather quickly and you avoid 'em." She chuckled. She was certainly showing how happy she was, and she looked back at Giza with a soft yet happy look.

"This is all so exciting."