Hi all, I'm Jaluna and, obviously, I'm searching for some RPs <3 I'm a nineten year old from New Jersey (EST time-zone), and I will try to post at least once a day if not more regularly.

I'm what you might call mimic-literate. I don't like to tell you how much I'll post, but I always try to guarantee that you'll have something to reply to. I can go anywhere from a one-liner to seven paragraphs depending on what you give me, but most of the time, I tend to be around one-two paragraphs in the majority of RPs I've done. I've been role-playing since I was eleven years old at least, so...It's been about eight years minimum since I started. In terms of RPs...While I prefer not to do too much research, I will depending on the subject. For example, I'll research words or basic places in a setting that you might want, or what names mean. Just don't tell me to read a specific book and we're good, usually. But if it's on some basic site on google, I'll probably be okay.

I prefer to play between the ages of 12-25 or so, but I can play something younger or higher depending on the plot. I tend to prefer to play females, but am fine doubling up, and am also fine with most gender pairings (though I tend to prefer female/female or female/male in general). Just a word of warning, I DON'T do word decorations. It came to my attention with one partner that they required a post format from me to be interested, so it didn't work out. If you are going to get mad because my posts look plain, don't ask me to RP with you, please. I'm sorry if that is unfair or rude, but it's just how I roll. By the way, I am fine RPing pretty much anywhere.

I'm up to doing most genre, but my favorites include romance, adventure, fantasy, sci-fi and any mix of these and more. I can list some ideas if you'd like, but I'm happy to hear your ideas too. If you have a specific pairing you want, let me know and we can talk about it. However, I generally prefer not to do horror-based things. I'm a sap, I can't handle scary things. I'm the kind who during a thunderstorm is found hiding under a desk, for crying out loud xD

When it comes to original vs. fandom, I'm fine with either so long as I can play an original character. For example, don't tell me you want me to play Hermoine in a Harry Potter RP. I won't do it. I can't connect with characters I didn't make, so it won't work. I also only play charaters I've already made- you can say that it makes me a bad writer if you want, but it's just how I am. I can't connect well if I just made a character two moments ago, and so the writing will be boring and no fun because it'll be a mary sue automatically. I can tweak my current characters instead.

Fandoms I will do include Pokemon, Harry Potter, Rune Factory/Harvest Moon and some others. If you have one you want to do, just ask and I'll see if I know anything about it. If not...well, tell me the basics and I'll be fine, possibly. It's really hard to say for this.

I will give post samples and the like if desired, so just ask. Any interest?