Daizee (Buffy The Bloody)
Laertes (Mogami)

It looked so painful.
That was the only thought on Laertes’ mind as he left the den he shared with Daizee before he was shooed – with his tail properly tucked between his legs – by a grumpy-looking old nurse. He paced like a maniac in front of the den, looking thoroughly miserable. The guard did try to pay attention to any sounds coming from the inside but his ears were tight shut, buried deep into his mane, just as tense as the rest of his body. More than once he stopped to look into the darkness to search of the shape of his mate but the sun was too strong to allow it and he quickly resumed his anxious pacing, completely unaware of his surroundings.

Inside the shadows of the cave, her voice carried far as she cried out. Her voice was obviously pained, and her screams only echoed such effects. She did her best to hold them in, really she did. Screaming would only worry her Laertes, but she couldnt help it. A few more minutes of screaming, and then all noise stopped. She took deep breaths, sweat beading on her forehead. She was in such horrible agony, even as the nurse started looking them over. Even born she hurt! She found herself staring at them increduously, and she smiled. They were all so purple.. and all had such a mixture between herself and her sweetheart.

"Laertes." She called softly. She didnt have enough energy to really yell to him, but she knew he would hear her

As Daizee screamed, a mute Laertes fidgeted at the entrance of the den, his mouth tight shut in a perpetual snarl as he died a little on the inside. He felt guilty for some reason and though he couldn’t quite understand it, Laertes’ misery seemed to have no end in sight. He was afraid as well, more than he’d ever been in his entire life. Would the cubs be alright? Would Daizee be alright? She was screaming, she needed him but the guard didn’t want to get in the way of the nurse or make any other kinds of mistake and he when the screams stopped, he tensed even more..
Her soft call might as well have been a frantic scream considering how quickly he turned to face the den. Only Daizee’s voice could’ve pulled his attention in such a way.
Carefully, quietly, the large purple lion stepped inside the den with a tiny gulp. The entire world had turned pitch black and only he and the shape of Diazee existed in it. Only the sound of his breathing and the unfamiliar weak noises ahead were acknowledged. Painfully slow steps took him closer to the dark shape of his mate... and his cubs.

Her forehead still had beaded sweat, and she was still panting heavily. Their babies positioned at her belly, she felt now was the time she could relax. The nurse smiled at her, and bowed her head at Laertes, before making her way out of the den for the private moment. When Laertes laid his forehead against hers, she found herself trying to nuzzle him. She had never been through an experience like this, and she was quite thankful that it was Laertes here. Someone who actually cared.

"It looks like you’re the father of three boys and a girl." She said with a soft smile. It was likely that female would be spoiled rotten, but she was quite proud of herself for a reason.

"And look, theyre all purple." She beamed.

Laertes ignored the nurse but it was not out of disrespect. He simply had no space in his mind for anything other than his family. His family.
“Three boys… one girl.” He repeated softly, looking at his cubs with the same wonder as before. “Our cubs.” And indeed they all had purple. Thank the Gods that his mother’s blue hadn’t passed down to them. It would’ve complicated their lives so much even if it wouldn’t have made a difference as far as Laertes’ love was concerned.
“Twins…?” Laertes said suddenly, finally realizing two of the cubs were remarkably similar. So far, he couldn’t find a physical trait that would allow him to distinguish them. But soon he would realize they were of different genders.

She grinned, and looked at his face. It was alit with happiness, and excitement. He was nervous, and understandably so. She couldnt help but giggle, and then look down at the two he was looking at. She had noticed the two were twins, and it had been remarkable to her. She had had a few of her siblings that looked like twins, but it was only because their markings were remarkably similar.

"Yes, I believe so." She said with her soft voice, still exhausted from the delivery.

“They look… like an improved version of their father.” Laertes said with a grin, finally relaxing a bit as he continued to enjoy the sight of his cubs. But it wasn’t long until he sensed Daizee’s fatigue and he worried she was still in pain.
“Are you alright? Should I ask the nurse to come back in?” Laertes’ head turned quickly to look at Daizee, concern clear in his voice as he spoke. He could see Daizee was still panting but it was impossible not to be won over by her ecstatic expression. He smiled at her softly in return.

When he started speaking, she had been so into the cubs, that she had to look up and ask "Hmm?". Then she smiled, blushing a bit as she shook her head.

"No,no. This isnt a nurse's forte'. This is our moment." She said with a nod, reaching up to lick at his jawline before relaxing her muscles, and allowing herself to just rest.

Laertes’s smile widened as she moved closer and he remained perfectly still. Soon his eyes had dropped to the cubs again.
“Names.” He said after a long pause of quiet contemplation, watching each cub carefully. “We need to think of names.” Another pause and now he was looking at two of his boys. “That one can be Pretty Mane for now… and doesn’t that one look a lot like one of your brothers?” Handsome devils. He could picture them already, breaking the hearts of lovely noble girls in a distant future. He’d have to raise his three boys properly, allright.

She grinned, looking down at the babies and chuckling. "Why yes, that one looks a great deal like my brother. Such handsome children." And when he said the name "Pretty Mane" she busted out laughing and then nudged him gently with her paw.
"Well if that’s Pretty Mane, then this one will be Fancy Toes." She said, motioning to the female twin.

“Mmm, Pretty Mane and Fancy Toes…” he looked at the girl’s twin, very much into this little game by now. “I suppose this one is Copycat then.” He chuckled, unable to contain himself anymore. “And we can just give your brother’s name to this one. We can add “The Second” so they don’t take offense.”
Laertes sat down with an air of mock smugness around him.
“That’s it, we’re done. Easy, huh?” pretending to be serious he turned his blue eyes towards Daizee once again. “Great. I thought it would a lot harder.”

She snorted in laughter, and likely would have tackled him had she had half the energy in order to do so. She was so tired that her body just didn’t not want to move. Even the nursing cubs were drawing more energy from her. Energy she wasn’t even sure she really had.

"I think that sounds like a plan. At least, until they can understand their names." She winked and licked his cheek, a yawn escaping her maw.

Laertes laughed rather loudly but quickly quieted down when Daizee yawned. Slowly, he lay down next to his mate, offering his body for support and his tone became incredibly gentle as he lowered his head to rest on his mate’s body.
“Shhh… sleep now, love. You must rest. I will watch over them.” He smiled with narrowed eyes, first at Daizee and then at the cubs, looking thoroughly content. It wasn’t long until he was humming softly under his breath one of the songs from the last play they’d watched together.

"How did I get so lucky?" She asked, and she smiled. Even if she loved Mauwi too, there was aplace for Laertes. Especially now that she felt Laertes would be her mate for life. She really did feel for him.

"Thank you, my dear." She said, and laid her head down. It didnt take long at all before she was asleep. She hadnt realized how easy that would be. Her dreams were of happiness, her cubs. Laertes... and that distant figure..Mauwi.. Who always plagued her head.

But for now, she slept peacefully.

- FIN -