Publicity: Public
Location: By a lone bolder, near the plains
Weather: Dusty, with just a slight breeze. Cloudless skies

Lying next to a large rock, Quba rolled from one side to another. It was hot, the small breeze that blew wasn’t helping the heat. Her pelt just seemed to attract the sun, probably making it hotter than what it was. She sighed, her bright blue eyes blinking, narrowing as she scanned the area. Empty. No prey for what she could even try to hunt (or what she could really see…). Not that she would really be that successful at it. That was Amanzi’s job. She was the better hunter. Quba hadn’t quite gotten a hold of her lanky legs just yet. She figured all to hunting was just speed, yet she failed every time she attempted.

She sighed, rolling over onto her back. No clouds in the skies, no sign of rain. The longer the land stayed dry, the more the members would get sick. She shook her head, wanting to stay away from those ill, but also in her heart she wanted to help them. How she could do that…she didn’t know. Maybe if she could somehow become a better hunter…While she didn’t really want to ask for Amanzi for help, Quba figured she’d ask the next best lion! Now…where to find her partner at.

She stood, sniffing the air for the scent of the other lioness. She should be around here somewhere.