having enjoyed the "FUN TEST", i want to share another test with you folk.

i came across this in the huge multivolume epic AEGYPT by John Crowley.

you come up to a house. describe the way to the front door, is it a path, a walk, a driveway, straight or curved, and so on.
this describes you general feeling about your life so far.

there are plants or trees along the approach you are taking to the house. describe them.
this describes the people in your past who have influenced you

in the house you find a cup.
describe it, and where you found it.
this symbolizes love

you also find a key.
once again, describe it and where you found it.
this symbolizes knowledge and wisdom

interpretations are hidden (i hope) below each question, in white.
just highlight the area and the white letters will appear.

you go out the back door.
describe the way leading out the back of the house.
this describes your view of the future

this way leads to water of some kind.
describe the body of water.
this is what reminded me of the test, since like the FUN TEST, the water means sex!