Audreyblah Johnson
__a g e ▪ 5 __r a c e ▪ Witch
__o r i e n t a t i o n ▪ Unknown
__p o w e r s ▪ Unknown
__b i o g r a p h y ▪ Before Audrey was born, her parents were both part of a very large cult. They were two of the most powerful __members of it, but the cult was not used for bad deeds. Instead, they used their powers to try and stop the terrible things going on in the __world around them such as slavery. The witches in the group made their way to a high-scale slave shop and killed all of the owners, __setting the slaves free. However, what they didn't know was that this slave shop was owned by a very powerful and wealthy vampire. He __managed to hunt down and kill everyone besides Audrey's parents, who went into hiding.
__Audrey was born a few years later, and it was obvious that she was special. She had a way of making the problems in her life __disappearing and getting what she wanted without even knowing how she did it. Her powers are still yet to be discovered, but she does __have them. This made it even more difficult for her parents to hide her, as frequent abnormalities happened in public. One day while __shopping at a mall, Audrey managed to make a toy that she wanted teleport right from the shelf all the way over to her. Many people saw __this, and soon the man hunting for them was alerted about a little girl with extraordinary powers.
__It didn't take long for him to find them. The man managed to hunt the family down, murdering her parents while she was asleep. He__ __couldn't bring himself to kill such an interesting and innocent girl, so instead he brought her to a slave shop and sold her.
__p e r s o n a l i t y ▪ Audrey is a very loud and happy little girl. She loves meeting new people and is far from shy. Even the guards __at the slave shop never seemed to phase her, as she always ends up seeing the good in people. However, she has a mischievous side __and one of her favorite things to do is play tricks on people.
__For Audrey, I want to have a roleplay where she grows up with a Master, so for her I don't want a __short-term roleplay. If you're interested in her, I don't want someone who will stop halfway through.