Things certainly had changed since she had noticed Zamba and his mother watching her that day at the watering hole, she'd been absolutely mortified at the time of course – but now? Now she supposed that it was worth it – even if she was still shy in the presence of his large and sometimes boisterous family. Certainly Zamba's mother seemed ot be well pleased with herself but Kivuli his father was s open and welcoming as he had been the day she'd joined the pride. His siblings were a mixed bag – some nice, some less so but Phy had quickly learned which were which and simply made herself scarce when the less savory ones were about.

A small sound at the entrance of her den brought Phy out of her inner thoughts and turning about she smiled at the familiar large form that she found lurking there. “Are you ready to go?” Zamba's voice rang into the enclosed space and Phy nodded slightly – they were off to see a play tonight. Phy wasn't sure if Zamba liked the plays as much as she did but he made it a point to take her and see them whenever the players put them on. He'd even introduced him to a couple of the players a few times – though she'd been horribly shy and hadn't really known what to say. Ducking her head slightly Phy nodded “Of course” She told him softly “I didn't realize it was getting so late in the day or I'd have met you on the path” She told him demurely, apologizing for keeping him waiting.

Kivuli chuckled slightly as Phy apologized, she was always apologizing about something, some lions might find that bit annoying but it didn't bother Zamba all that much – after spending most of his time growing up with his mother, lioness who bossed his father around endlessly and constantly argued... it was kind of nice to be around someone who was so quiet and agreeable all the time. Of course he would have to make sure he didn't start taking advantage of her quiet nature...but he liked to think of himself as more of a gentleman then that. “Don't worry” He assured her “I'm a little bit early to be honest”

“Well that's a relief” Phy answered with a slight sigh – she did so hate to keep anyone waiting on her. Walking to join him at the entrance she shyly butted her head against his mane. Phy liked Zamba's mane it was thick and soft and rather comforting and with all the training he did to become a good warrior she certainly felt safe in his presence when they went out. It was nice to feel safe – she'd spent far to long being scared and unsure during her time as a rogue.

As Phy joined him Zamba returned her shy nuzzle with a careful one of his own, he was careful not to seem to over zealous with his affections – it had taken him months to get her comfortable enough to show even this amount of love towards him and he was slightly afraid of scaring her off. They were getting there though and Zamba was quite sure that if he went softly and quietly enough he could convince her to take the next step in their relationship and get her to agree to become his mate and move in with him. Or at least that was goal tonight with this date. His mother would be so very happy – which would at least keep her off his back for a little while, no doubt she thought she'd orchestrated this whole thing. He supposed in a way she had, Maua had been the one to point Phy out to him but it hadn't been until he'd spoken with her that Zamba had started to grow attached to her. “Lets get going so we get good sets” He suggested stepping back to draw her out onto the path so that they might walk down to the player's theater together.

“You always get good seats” Phy reminded him laughing a little but following him on down the path towards the theater down below. Going to see the players plays was one of the few times it was a bit more acceptable to mingle with the commoners according to Kivuli's mother and while Phy didn't always understand the lioness points of view she did take pins to keep from upsetting her to much – Zamba was always the one who paid the price for that sort of thing and his mothers temper was quite fearsome, no matter how much she played the part of sweet lady to the public.
Zamba felt his face warming a bit as she mentioned the fact that they always got good was true of course but in all honestly it was through no fault of his own. Though he tried to keep his plans secret his mother always inevitable sniffed out the nights he planned to take Phy to the plays and took great pains to ensure her noble son nd his lady friend garnered good seating for the performance. Zamba wasn't sure exactly how his mother managed it but he knew she had to be the one behind it because he certainly didn't bother with such things. He went to the plays to spend time with Phy...not make a social statement out of the affair. “Just a perk of being a noble I suppose” He told her not quite wanting to admit it was likely due to his mothers meddlesome ways.

“Well its one I certainly won't complain about” Phy told him truthfully and then seemed to grow worried that such a statement might look badly upon her because she hurried to add “Though I would be just s happy sitting anywhere.” The statement made Zamba inwardly amused, poor Phy – she was always so worried about offending someone when her very nature made that almost impossible to begin with. Zamba couldn't imagine anyone staying angry with Phy for very long.
'Well tonight we shall not have to worry it seems like” He told her as they reached the theater and were ushered in by a leopard to some very nice sets. Any further conversation would have to wait however as they had indeed arrived at the very last second and the play was about to begin. Quiety the two settled in for an evening of entertainment.

Wc - 1095