Hey, I was wondering if anybody would want to do a father x son romance rp with me. I was thinking we could have it like this...

The father left to go to war when his son was just 6 years old..and now he is back, his son is now 10 years old living with his grandparents of his father because his mom died when he had just turned 9 so he is in a big depression mood..he cuts himself thinking it might help and he cries himself to sleep almost every day. But his father is now back..can he help his son and realize the hidden feelings he has always had for the boy? His son has had feelings for him for a while but is just now noticing them again..

If it would be ok, I would like to play the son so i need someone to play the father. We'd also be doing it in pms, and here is the profile setup. Just send me a pm with the profile and title the pm ~Father and Son romance~
