Includes, music, literature, graphic novels, art, movies, TV, etc

This is the place to share your favorite artists, musicians, and whatever
else you may desire related to entertainment.

If you would like to find out about or share LBGTA related literature or movies,
we have the official LGBTA Movie List and the LGBTA Reading List.
Please discuss specifically LGBTA literature/movies in these threads.
Because chances are if you make your own thread, there are already 5
other old ones of the exact same topic.
Let's keep it all in one place!

If you would like to share your own writing
please post in the Creative Writing Subforum instead of here.


::All crew members: Dr. OCD - Kaiju Koi - schulte - Mazzie Bell -colon bracket - Nyu-sama - Masked Casanova - avenged_king ::