Suzie - Rawr Im A Dino
Suzie - Rawr Im A Dino
Suzie - Rawr Im A Dino

XD Kay um, let's see, I don't mind what kind of guy I am but I don't know what kind would be the best pairing hm :3

Lol I usually find that kids who are like opposite, like a jock or a prep... Are the most funny to do.

x3 Yup! Okay so i'll try and be a jock :3 xD just got back home -gets to doing roleplays-

Kay. Would you mind staring and sending me a link? My kid is the new kid at the school, too.

Oh yea!!! Okay in here or forums in barton? And also anime or real?

Real please and wherever.

Haha >.> I can't find any good pictures ;>.> Can chu help?