yesterday was an extremely shitty day i was helping some non lo friends out while shopping and one of them was worried because her fiance wandered off and she was freakin out she ended up pissin me off so i walked away i saw a fellow juggalo sitting on a bench so i showed some lol love with a whoop whoop and he asked whats up he could see by my expression i was pissed i explained the situation and he asked if i was gonna make it home scince they gave me a ride i said probably usually i ride the bus but its to late now he opened his wallett and handed me a ten dollar bus pass and gave it to me that goes along ways for me and he was ******** hella cool. a big WHOOP WHOOP AND LO LOVE TO THE LO WHO CLOSES MCD'S AT WAL MART IN REDDING CALI

how many yalls have similar stories to our family showin hella love out there?