Name: caine
Nickname: (if applicable)
Age: 19
Race: gorean, 1/3 savage 2/3 mamba
Gender: male
Orientation: gay
Bio: caine was born on gor. When he was 3 his village was burned down and he was taken by the enemy and raised as a slave. he eventually escaped and lived in the woods for awhile before stowing away on a ship heading to earth. he is now alone on a planet he knows nothing about. he is wild and rebelious, unpredictable at times
seme, uke, or seke? uke
Anything else relevant: (this isn't a mandatory one, just if there's anything extra you think we should know ^_^)
Picture: User Image

Name: has no name
Nickname: people call him what he is, phoenix
Age: 18
Race: rare shapeshifter that can shift into a phoenix
Gender: male
Orientation: gay
Bio: has been on his own all his life, living on the streets ans stealing food when hungry or hunting when possible. he is not used to being around people and is wild, talks like a child. Can't read or write.
seme, uke, or seke? uke
Anything else relevant: (this isn't a mandatory one, just if there's anything extra you think we should know ^_^)
Picture: pic: User Image

User Image

Name: stormy
Nickname: storm
Age: 20
Race: cat neko
Gender: male
Orientation: gay
Bio: he is wild and feral, a product of the streets. he has had to fight all his life to survive and has the scars and wounds to prove it. He has lost his eye in a bad fight a couple years ago. recently he has been seriously injured with a gash in his side, broken arm and bruises. A slaver took him in but knows nothing of medicine so the injured neko goes untreated and is left in a back room.
seme, uke, or seke? uke
Anything else relevant: (this isn't a mandatory one, just if there's anything extra you think we should know ^_^)
Picture: User Image

Name: raven (black hair) Hawk (brown hair)
Nickname: (if applicable)
Age: 17
Race: human
Gender: male
Orientation: gay
Bio: their parents died when they were young and they have been living on the streets since. both very rebelious. They steal when hungry and sleep in abandoned buildings. Have been in various fights to protect what little they do have, the abandoned building they call home and each other.
seme, uke, or seke? uke
Anything else relevant: (this isn't a mandatory one, just if there's anything extra you think we should know ^_^)
Picture: User Image