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This page is to let you know exactly what the Ninth Division is all about, what makes them an effective military division, and what their purpose is. Simple, right?

The Ninth Division is Internal Affairs, which sounds rather boring until you realize what it entails. The Ninth Division is the first and foremost division for defense and policing. When under attack, the Ninth Division is the driving force for defense, as they often take a more commanding role when it comes to directing other divisions to help defend the Soul Society.

Their second directive, however, gives them not only the most direction but shows the true strength of the Ninth Division. As the Internal Affairs division, they are often required to subdue and capture rogue shinigami or violent rulebreakers. As such, any member of the squad has to be a head above the rest in order to be able to capture their peers. Every member of the Ninth Division is not only expected but required to be exceptional in every way. They do tend to be more powerful than some, but the true strength of the division comes from their ability to excel in every single facet of shinigami combat, as they need to be in order to take down any of their comrades.

And, just so everyone can get a rough idea of what that entails, here's the breakdown:

• Master Swordsman
• Immense Reiatsu
• Specially-tuned spiritual pressure
• Knowledge and use of all allowed Kidou
• Master of Eishohaki and Double Incantation
• Personal shun-po creation
• Bankai
• Shikai

• Expert Swordsman
• Powerful Reiatsu
• Unique spiritual pressure
• Bakudo Level: #78
• Hado Level: #63
• Expert at Eishohaki
• Advanced Double Incantation
• Shun-po Master
• Bankai
• Shikai

Third Seat:
• Advanced Swordsman
• Impressive Reiatsu
• Bakudo Level: #58
• Hado Level: #58
• Advanced Eishohaki
• Advanced Shun-po
• Bankai Attainable
• Shikai
