Because screaming in pillows doesn't always help.
I thought we needed this since a lot of us have some things we'd like to get out of our system, but first a few rules becaue this of all things will need them.

-Do not state names in your vents. You are not allowed to use any names while venting. You can make up a name if you like, but do not use someone's real name or nickname while ranting.

-Cursing is fine, we all curse, but do try to control it to some level and keep any vulgarity out of your rants that might not be suitable for younger members to see.

-If you do NOT want to talk about what is bothering you then make a note at the TOP of your post.
-Do not PM someone or note them questions if they have this note in their post. They will share their problems when they feel like it and no sooner.

-This is for ranting about something that bothers you/has upset you/personal issues and etc...
THIS IS NOT a forum for debating against things you disagree with.
If someone rants that they hate something that you like, that doesn't give you the right to make a reply post to it or attack that person.
If I find out anyone has done this you are banned to high heaven...where you'll be kicked out to hell.

Have fun bitching~<3