Welcome to my never ending rp search. I use rping as therapy to get away from stress that is brought on by many things. I'm looking for long term commitments. And I will try to make my posts very long. I will not do just a few lines unless I'm unsure what to write. If you are interested please let me know. Also I want to let rpers know i have Dyslexia.
Rps i'm looking for:
Monster high
Repo the genetic opera
grease two
a knights tale
Being human bbc -Craving
trochwood- Craving
burn notice -Craving
Psych -Craving
suits -Craving
in pain sight
Avatar the last air bender-Craving
Invader zim
American Gods -Craving
Star trek
Pirates of the Caribbean
Mighty ducks (cartoon and movie)
Alice (syfy)
The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen -Craving
harry potter
Lost boys -Craving
American Vampire -Craving
Ghostwhisper -Craving
Werewolf x human -Craving
Vampire x human -Craving
Vampire x werewolf -Craving
student x teacher