So i am not going to go to much into this i am very open to anything, i just want a good long term yaoi rolplay with people. I normally rolplay in PMs here on gaia, i can keep track of them better that way.

I look longer post but now books i can not keep up with that, but i can give you a good 2 to 5 parahgrahs sometimes more if i am really into the RP or if i have alot to say.

Now i have always had trouble with spelling i am sorry but i am just not the best but i try and run my post through word go please do not get on me about that and i will not get on you just do not expect me to be perfect i just can't be.

Now i have almost no limits and if you do let me know. I sometimes like things a little dark and sometime like ot be a crul a** but not always. I have alot of these really nice nice RPs right now and i want something different. and i would love you forever if you wanted to so semi semi that is what i really want a bit more fight lol.

So just PM me please we can talk about some ideas, i like magic in my RPs and i like vampire angel demon things alot.