Hvae any of you played them?
I sure have atleast once.

Back in the early 2000's I purchased the Gundam M.S. War cardgame at video game store. That game was entirely Gundam Wing/Endless Waltz atleast for the U.S. market since that was the IN-thing at the time. The cards backing is of the U.C. RX-78-2. The deck I purchased is purely made for OZ faction. From what I remember the game sucked considering it's two sided. Can't mix, and match cards, they have to be in their respective sides. From what I remember the strongest card in my possession is the holo-foil Gundam Epyon with the power of 6.

Five years later in 2005 I purchased the Gundam War card game at the Bandai Booth at a convention. It was a starter deck again like the precursor M.S. War it's a sided card game. Atleast for the U.S. market it had all the sides from various series that existed at the time. The cards backing is mostly blue with the game title. this deck consisted of 30 WING cards, and 30 SEED cards, Holo-foil in it was the Gundam Aegis. I've never played the game ever but it's probably like its predecessor.