I just finished reading the manga, and I have to say - I haven't been this pissed off by a story since I read James Patterson's Kiss the Girls.

The entire story is about this academy that is completely separated from society. The creator bought an island in the middle of nowhere, and invites students to the school promising an "elite" education. The graduates are guaranteed extraordinary jobs when they finish the school, and it's open to boys and girls of all ages. The problem? Students must be completely isolated from the outside world the entire time they're in school - for one good reason. Part of the curriculum is male dominance. Verbal / physical abuse of female students is not only tolerated, it's encouraged.

The idea of the story (as I understand it) is that men are only misogynists because society tells them to be. It's a combination of generations of teachings and peer pressure to keep women from being equal. Even though many men are against it, they go along with the idea simply because they have no power alone.

I find it a load of bull. Irrespective of how a person is raised, or how history tells them to act - if a person knows something is wrong, then they have a choice not to do it. Not only that, they have a choice to stand up against it. I'm not going to buy that EVERY man in that institute abused women because authority told them to. Yeah, yeah, I know all about Milgram's experiment, but I will never accept that we are not presented with a choice in our actions.

Has anyone else read the story? What do you think of the situations?

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