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Reply [IC] Kitwana'antara Lands [IC]
[FIN] Ladies of Rank (Ishara x Nawiri'chiwa)

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Shy Mage

PostPosted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 1:29 pm
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It had happened.

Everyone had known for weeks that there would soon be a change in rank and position. The High Priestess that had served the pride so well had fallen incredibly ill over the past few weeks, and only recently had it happened. While the pride had properly mourned for the great lionesses passing, they had also quietly celebrated the rising of a new High Priestess. . . Ishara. Though her mother would be missed, Nawiri'chiwa had every confidence that the multicolored lioness would do the pride well in her new position.

Who knew, perhaps it was a sign, a blessing of things to come.

So much had changed in the pride since her Mother's sacrifice. Though the pride had been hit with hard times in the past, most recently things had started to look up. The pride was quickly regaining lost numbers -- they were now just over a hundred lions strong! Furthermore, there were so many new faces and so many new families. . . . Nawiri'chiwa couldn't help but be overjoyed in this knowledge that life was (strangely enough) thriving.

Her mother's sacrifice must have worked and eased the hostility that the gods had wished against their pride. . . . and now, with Ishara taking her rightful place as the head of the prides spiritual guide, perhaps those old days could be tucked away for good.

Picking her way quietly through the pride, the queen was on a hunt for Ishara herself. She wanted to privately congratulate as well as offer condolences for her new partner. Outside of royalty, the High Priestess was perhaps one of the most sacred members of the pride. . . and Nawiri'chiwa wanted to make sure they had a strong relationship going forward.
PostPosted: Sat Dec 03, 2011 3:49 am

(( o-o; Sorry it's long. Just wanted to flesh out Ishara's mother a bit. If you want me to change anything that doesn't sound right ICly, please let me know! ))

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A fair distance away from where the rest of the Pride were going about their daily tasks, Ishara sat alone, staring out at nothing in particular. Her usually bright blue eyes were now dull and bloodshot, evidence of the night that she had spent crying. She knew that she had to be strong now, not just for herself, but for her Pride. Despite that though, she found herself struggling immensely.

Her Mother had passed away. In the Kiwana'antara, death was something that never came as a surprise. She had known for weeks that her Mother was going to pass away. All that she had hoped was that it would be a peaceful death. Well, as peaceful as was possible, given the unpredictable nature of the Plague. Sadly, it wasn't a peaceful death, and now Ishara found herself haunted by the visions of her Mother's violent passing.

Pepo'zaleo, the High Priestess of the Kitwana'antara, had suffered greatly at the end of her life. Having been in the so called 'beginning' stage of the plague for most of her life, she was suddenly struck down by the 'intermediate' stage a few months ago. It was all down hill from there as she quickly deteriorated with every passing day.

Throughout her agony, she kept her faith, believing that there was a good reason for the Great Lady to have struck her down like this. Even when the symptoms of the 'advanced' stage reared their ugly head, Pepo'zaleo remained devout. All Ishara could do was watch as her Mother wasted away, as their was nothing that could be done to ease her suffering at this point. When death finally claimed her, it was a massive relief for Ishara, and it sickened her to her stomach that she thought of it that way.

Ishara had been left mentally broken. Her faith in the Great Lady had been put into question, and now she wondered if she was even fit to taken on her Mother's role. Pepo'zaleo had been an incredibly loving Mother, but at the same time, she had been a strict and uncompromising teacher. She had taught Ishara everything there was to know about the role of High Priestess from an early age, as she knew that one day her daughter would have to take that role from her.

Above all else, she had been taught to worship the Goddess of Pestilence above all others, and to never EVER question the Great Lady's actions. Pepo'zaleo had always frowned upon the worship of other Gods, even the ones that had found favour with the Queen, such as the God of Famine. Now, Ishara found herself doing the very thing that her Mother had told her never to do, and that upset her as well. The idea that right after her Mother's death, she's already letting her down by disobeying something that she had said. How was she ever going to get through this?

With a heavy sigh, she glanced over her shoulder, to where the rest of the Pride was. Inside, she desperatly needed help. If she asked for it though, she feared that it would cause the rest of the Pride to doubt her. The one lioness she could turn to had gone and the Goddess that she had been taught to believe in so vehemently had been thrown into question. Ishara had never felt so alone in her whole life.



Shy Mage

PostPosted: Sat Dec 03, 2011 8:05 am
((Looks great by me! And no worries about length - I often am a rambler in my own posts. : P Apologies this one is a bit brief. ))

They grey lioness picked her way through the prides lands, keeping an eye out for Ishara. It was quite obvious that the grey and splotched female wasn't performing a rite or ritual anywhere, and she certainly wasn't at the heart of the pride. No . . . . she was elsewhere. Rumor had it, a scout had caught her in passing closer to the out edges of the pride, and that was where the young queen continued her search.

Obviously the Great Lady was with her and helped direct her paws. The outer borders of the pride were often quiet, outside of the occasional guard or scout making his rounds. But a figure rested upon the horizon, the solitary lioness breaking up the emptiness of this part of the pride. Nawiri'chiwa could tell at a glance it was the lioness she had been seeking, as not many sported such varied coat pattern.

Still . . . to be so secluded. Was she perhaps meditating? Or maybe lost in prayer? Quietly, slowly, the queen made her approach. She noticed the lioness glance over her shoulder, but was likely unseen as she approached on the opposite side and more at an angle. Well, perhaps it was safe then to break the quiet. "Ishara," she gently called out, hoping to alert her of her presence.

She bridged the distance between herself and the High Priestess, leaving a respectful space between them, before she dipped her head in cordial greeting. "I hope I'm not interrupting. . . " She added apologetically, offering the lioness a small smile. Unfortunately, Nawiri was oblivious to the grief that had wracked Ishara just the night before; she would remain unaware of her bloodshot gaze until it met her own.
PostPosted: Sat Dec 03, 2011 1:13 pm

(( LOL. Mine are very rarely as long as that first one I did, so no need to apologise. ))

The approaching grey lioness had been right to assume that she had not been seen, as when she called out, Ishara almost jumped out of her skin. "Your Majesty!" She gasped, jumping to her feet before lowering her body completely in a bow.

Her Mother and Nawiri had always seemed like equals whenever she had seem them together, as both had served the Pride for a very long time. Ishara was new to the role of High Priestess, so although she knew that that role came with great respect, she figured that she herself would have to earn it over time. Especially considering all that was going on in her head. She was scared to even look the Queen in the eyes.

When she finally lifted herself out of the bowing position, she continued to look at the ground. It then occured to her that that could be seen as a sign of disrespect, at which point she quickly lifted her head so that she could look at Nawiri. "Queen Nawiri." She said quietly, unsure how best to proceed. It was quite clear that she wasn't doing well at that moment in time, but she hoped that she could pull herself together before the Queen took issue with her.



Shy Mage

PostPosted: Sat Feb 18, 2012 10:09 am
Sorry for the super long wait. x__x Fickle muses. Will try to be much more prompt in my replies, it's my goal for 2012. xD

Nawiri'chiwa blinked as the lioness seemed to give a start. Oh dear, she really hadn't meant to give the High Priestess such a surprise. The dual-colored eyed female regarded Ishara with curiosity and good humor as the other suddenly bowed low to the ground in reverence. While on the one paw, her title often demanded the respect and regard of her pride mates, on the other paw, Nawiri'chiwa did not care for such displays. She was given much responsibility in the pride with the title of queen, but she was still a member who loved all those who called the Kitwana'antara home. She didn't want there to be gaps between the classes, or those of power to look unapproachable, so she did her best to shake off such formalities.

Smiling gently at the other, she gave a shake of her head. "There is no need for such displays, Ishara. I don't know about you, but I never was comfortable with such titles. . . .Besides which, some would say we are of equal rank now, you and I." While it wasn't entirely true, there were many who looked upon the High Priestess with great regard and adoration. She was the one who tempered the great Goddesses will, (or so they beleived) and was the one who helped keep the faith of the pride.

It was a great responsibility, but Nawiri knew without a doubt that Ishara would make her mother proud. She had been trained for this position, and though she inherited the title through loss, it was a common theme without the pride. It was something the two of them, Queen and Priestess, had in common.

"I do hope you forgive my impertinence for seeking you out. But I wanted to give you my condolences on the loss of your mother. She was a beloved member of the pride, and a good friend to me. I know fully well how difficult it can be to step in to another paws, especially with minimal time to grieve." Unfortunately, when it came to such ranks as heiress to queen, or priest to high priestess, there wasn't time for delay. The pride had rituals and traditions to follow, which meant there were no periods of mourning for those granted new titles.

At least that's how it had felt for the young queen with the passing of her mother.
PostPosted: Wed Apr 18, 2012 2:25 am
@_@ I'm sorry too! XD; I went to Walt Disney World in March, so I was busy before I left and since getting back.

Ishara allowed herself a small smile, as the Queen attempted to reassure and comfort her. It was somewhat of a relief that Queen Nawiri wasn't all that interested in formality, as it meant that she was less likely to slip up and offend her in some way. One thing that she couldn't afford to have dwelling within her mind was worry, as the High Priestess was often the one that other Pride members would go to when they themselves were worried.

"Thank you, Nawiri." She replied, her voice still very quiet and solemn. Nawiri herself had rose to the rank of Queen after her own mother had passed on. Although that thought saddened the strangely coloured lioness, Nawiri had managed to pull herself through it, and she was as strong as ever. Ishara was sure that the pain would ease eventually, but she wasn't sure how long it would take.

When Nawiri offered her condolences, Ishara gave a small nod of her head. "Thank you." She let out a small sigh. Despite the fact that she knew that it wouldn't do to worry, she couldn't help herself. Perhaps it would be best to air her doubts now, so that hopefully they would leave her completely. "I fear that I will not be as good a High Priestess as my Mother was." She shook her head. "Despite all that she had taught me, after seeing the way in which she suffered, I find my faith...faltering." It clearly pained her to admit it, but she had to be honest.



Shy Mage

PostPosted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 7:02 pm
Oooh, Disney World! How did you like it? What resort did you stay at? Man, that sounds absolutely wonderful but I know how crazy it can be to both prepare and catch up when you return! Take all the time you need though!

Nawiri'chiwa didn't press the other to speak. She was content to settle near her, to gaze out over the land and just . . .be there. Sometimes there weren't words to speak, especially after so personal a loss. Her own mother's death had been planned, and yet, it didn't help ease the pain. Perhaps grief hadn't been coupled with shock or surprise, but the death had still hurt, had still left a wound and a seemingly unquenchable ache. So words were weak . . . at least she could offer unspoken comfort and support.

When Isahra did speak, admitting to a loss of faith and a touch of insecurity, the lioness said nothing for a moment. The smallest of smiles touched her maw, and she finally turned to steel a glance at her new High Priestess. "I must say, I think we're kindred spirits," she added with a small flick of her tail tip. "You may not believe it, but I know your mother left us in great paws. She may have had first hand experience in such a position, but she imparted upon you all the knowledge you need. You may not feel it now, you may even have shaken faith . . .. but that's natural."

The grey lioness turned back to gaze upon the horizon, to stare out at the borders, the endless sea of land that was their home. "Even my own faith has been known to waver, especially when life seems particularly cruel. But you wouldn't be a great Priestess if you didn't question your faith from time to time. . . Isn't that what helps you find answers? Isn't that what helps you grow?" Nawiri'chiwa herself still doubted her ability to lead, to care for those that looked to her. And she too, when times were the most bleak, sometimes questioned the Great Goddess in prayer. . . .

But like a fire that culled the land, the plants always grew back tenfold. Questioning ones belief, questioning ones duty and ones ability was healthy. Besides, if Isahra had doubts, Nawiri had none . . .at least not about her being High Priestess. "Your mother had faith and belief in your abilities. There is no greater commendation then that."
PostPosted: Sat Apr 21, 2012 3:16 am
It was amazing! heart We stayed at the All Star Music resort for 2 weeks. All we did was Disney, so we did EVERYTHING there was to do at Disney!

Ishara watched as the Queen sat herself down beside her, and then listened intently to all she had to say. She was being so kind, despite what she had just said about her faith being shaken. No wonder she was the Queen, as slowly but surely, the pale grey lioness began to feel a little more at ease. Although she wasn't sure if she deserved such understanding and kindness, at the same time, something inside her agreed with everything Nawiri was saying. Something inside her knew it all to be true.

Once Queen Nawiri had finished talking, Ishara considered all that had been said. "Kindred spirits." She thought out loud, a small smile touching her face as she did so. "You honor me with such kind words. And...I believe all of them to be true." Her pale blue eyes left the Queen for a moment as she gazed out over the land. "Even as she lay dying, my Mother remained faithful. I think..." She paused, and closed her eyes, before giving a firm nod of her head. "No...I know that if my Mother had any doubts in my ability to serve our Pride in the same way that she had done, she would have questioned the Great Lady's decision to take her away."

When she opened her eyes, her gaze once again returned to Queen Nawiri. Although Ishara herself had questioned the Great Lady's actions, her Mother never had. Maybe, just maybe, it was because she had not felt the need to. Maybe Pepo'zaleo's faith in her daughter was even greater than her faith in the Goddess of Pestilence. "Although I think it may take some time for me to find within me what it is that you and my Mother have seen, I am sure that I will find it eventually."



Shy Mage

PostPosted: Sun Apr 22, 2012 7:46 pm
How awesome! Two whole weeks, that . . .that would probably be the way to do it. Cause a week isn't really enough to do everything . . haha. . . But I'm glad you had what sounds to be a great time!

The lioness was pleased that the new High Priestess hadn't thought her too forward by admitting such a thing. All in the Pride were drawn together in one way or another, especially when death lurked so near. Still, she understood the anxieties that likely haunted Ishara. She had been there, not long ago, with the loss of her mother still hanging firmly above her head. Wth Pepo'zaleo's loss they had a great lioness taken away. . . .but . . . they also had been blessed to inherit Ishara in their stead.

No, the Great Goddess had called away Pepo'zaleo for her own reasons. It was now a new dawn and there was much to give thanks for! "I have every belief in your, and that you too will find your way. Just remember though, you don't have to fit in to your mothers paw prints." She smiled gently, giving a small shrug, "You get to make your own now, and find your own way. Just as my mother had . . . and just as I will. . . you'll find your way." There was no doubt, and while she understood Ishara might not believe, or think herself ready, she . . . .had to be.

"I'm always open to conversation," she added gently. "Us ladies of rank need to stick together, after all." She added with a little chuckle, staring out at the endless sea of grass before them. Granted, it was well known Nawiri didn't encourage titles and formalities, but what she said was true -- they would be working closely together from here on out, and were the most ranking of pride members. The pride would be lost without either of them.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 2:39 am
Since we're in the UK, it just wouldn't be worth going all that way for anything less than 2 weeks. XP; It went so fast though, it seemed like less.

Ishara nodded thoughtfully as she raised her front paw in order to look at it. Had the Pride really been left in capable paws? If her Mother and Nawiri believed it had, then she had no real reason to think otherwise. Only her own fear and uncertainty could get in her way.

"I do not think that I could step into her paw prints, no matter how hard I may try." She said finally, a very fond expression appearing on her face. She then stamped her paw into the ground before lifting it again, revealing a print. "However, that is not what I would wish to do." Ishara smiled at Nawiri. "With her help, I will walk my own path. I will make my Mother proud."

Still smiling, the soft grey lioness bowed her head gracefully. "Thank you Nawiri, for all that you have said today." She allowed herself a small chuckle as well. She hoped that she would be able to repay Nawiri's kindness someday, although hopefully it would not be in such sad circumstances.



Shy Mage

PostPosted: Sat Apr 28, 2012 9:15 am
((Btw -- we've some plotty things happening in the K'A if you haven't noticed. Would you be interested in some more High Priesty sort of RP? I can PM you details if you're interested. . . it'll will likely allow you using her in her role/rank.))

Nawiri'chiwa watched as Ishara appeared to take her words to heart, or at least seemed to accept what she said as sound. Even if the lioness had doubts and uncertainties, at the very least she could remember that her mother had faith in her abilities, and she did have the support of the queen. They were both young yet, still learning their roles, but they could do so together. . . .

Nawiri'chiwa gave a smile her own as the other stamped her paw in the ground. "I have no doubt of such a thing," she affirmed, blue and red eyes bright with joy. It did her heart good -- while she knew Ishara would never quite be rid of the grief and loss of her mother, she at least seemed to be a little more optimistic about the future, and hopefully her role in it as well.

Rising to her paws, the lioness gave a dip of her head in gratefulness. "You're most welcome, I'm only too happy to listen."

((So . .. I think that might be a good place to wrap? Unless you have somewhere else you'd like the conversation to go. . . . xD As stated above though, I'd love some more RP, especially with plotsy things happening.))  
PostPosted: Sun Apr 29, 2012 5:19 am
=D I'd be more than happy for you to PM me with plot stuff. I've got 3 Firekin (1 of whom is an escaped Hongshan) and 2 Nergui myself, so I've been following what's going on with all that stuff. :B

Ishara rose to her paws as well, giving the Queen another bow of her head, much like she had done when Nawiri had first arrived. This time however, she seemed a little more relaxed in her movements. "I will keep that in mind." She smiled. "As long as you allow me to do the same for you someday. I will always be here to listen, and give council, should you need it."

Still smiling, although it still looked somewhat fragile and uncertain, she turned to face where the majority of the Pride were going about their daily task. "If you will excuse me, there is much to be done." With that, she started walking, hopefully treading her own path from that moment on.

(( Finished! ))  


[IC] Kitwana'antara Lands [IC]

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