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☼ The Ghost ☮

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Age: 17
Birthdate: October 30
Zodiac Sign: Scorpio
Current Health: Fair
Mental Age: Ranges from 15-29
Physical Age: 16-17
Hair Length: Very Long
Hair Color: White
Hair Style: Down
Eye Size: Fairly Large
Eye Color: Red
Glasses or Contacts?: None
Nationality: Swedish
Ethnicity: Swedish
Fluent Languages: English, Swedish, French.
Gender: Female
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 110 lbs.
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Place of Birth: Stockholm, Sweden
Hometown: Helena, Montana
Sports: Swimming, track, tennis.
Hobbies: Reading, writing, singing, drawing.
Talents: Writing and singing
Race: Demi-goddess
Parentage: Hecate
Powers: Preform dark magic, talk to and summon ghosts, control shadows, and become invisible.
Biography: She grew up alone, he father dying when she was young. Her mother she never knew.