Abel woke from his nap in his backyard hammock to notice that his neighbors were in a panic on there back porch " just take the kids, leave me here I can handle them for a while, ill meet you when im done" come to look of it, the whole neighborhood seemed astray, hurricane warning? not a cloud in the sky, could've been a tsunami warning, but I Live in mid Florida , water wont reach here. Abel ran to his house to find his mother and father, packing furiously, while his older brother jack prepared guns on the far end of the dinner table." Whats are you guys doing? I wake from a nap and everyones panicking, even our neighbors! and why are you prepping your guns?" "I told him not to go to sleep outside! with all these suspicious missing people accidents on TV" his father said " you should know I dont watch TV a lot, so what is happening?" "well its hard to put this, you wont believe me but theres been people,well, eating other people in the city, luckily it hasn't reached us yet" his father said " "And thats why theres people running around like madmen outside?" Abel asks "Well no one said anything about any of them being smart" father says.But It really can't be true, zombies? really? it can't be real, there only in movies!. His mother is packing even faster as she hears the sound of men, women, and children screaming outside." They can't be here already! theres no way it spread that fast!" jack yells " we need to hurry and get out of here!" "But the guns still aren't loaded!" jack tells his father " then hurry up, im not going to be killed in my own home!" by what Abel is hearing, he still can't believe them, he opens the door and walks outside. Jack was right, Dad was right, Mom was too, people running from what it looks like blood soaked humans. What Abel doesn't know is that he opened the passage way filled with horror and blood that was once his home town.