[Spell out your words! Type 'you' instead of 'u' and don't you dare use *s.]

Respect your fellow roleplayers, if you don't like someone, don't say anything.
If you are messed with tell one of ONG's crew members.

No godmoding.
-Your "role playing character" are not that strong, they can not dodge EVERY attack.

Be reasonable.

Autohitting is also a no-no as well as controlling someone else's character.

Since Gaia is a PG-13 site, we're fine with allowing violence and romance to run free here, but let's not get graphic with it. You can defeat someone in battle without there having to be blood and guts thrown all over the place, and if things start to get kinky between a couple of characters, don't read what they are typing; this is usually done by a character 'turning off the lights' for the duration.

Credit to New Motion for the Rule/Requirements!