Hey folks,

I have created a location where you can unload whatever burden you are carrying and it is 100% anonymous. I am the only person that has access to the submissions (except I lost the password and username). I hope this is helpful for some of you.

An Ear to Listen

Also! There is a website called BlahTherapy that lets you rant or listen to a ranter and it's all completely anonymous. There is ALWAYS someone online to listen to anything you have to say. Often times you can find people that have worked in crisis centers, so they're very good at handling tough situations. I'd recommend checking it out.

Another resource, which is my personal favorite, to be a listener or to be listened to is called: 7 Cups of Tea. This is similar to BlahTherapy, except the listeners need to go through a little more "training" to be accepted.

The Comfort Spot is a place where you can share things and get comforted by others.