She had been quite right in thinking the Kusini lands would be as boring as ever... though something fantastic had happened while she was moving through the woods! She'd actually met someone! Oh and he was handsome and charming and... well he made her forget about the boring life she had, and especially about a love she'd almost had in her grasp not so long ago. He had been... amazingly warm and kind. He'd delayed her official return to her home lands just one night, and she had been severely disappointed to find him gone in the morning when she awoke in the Kusini forest. She thought that perhaps... just perhaps... maybe the spirits had gotten him. Then she realized she was being quite silly and she shouldn't actually believe in the spirits still, those were just stories to scare cubs! Keep them away from the borders and such!

    She'd been severely disappointed and depressed that morning... and only when she actually crossed into the main lands of the Kusini'Mwezi had Ses showed himself again. He'd warned her just once that she shouldn't stay too long with the male, and that she should tell him that if he didn't have business with the pride he would do best to be on his way. She hadn't listened, of course. She usually didn't, when it came to advice that Sesere offered her. But after after a few days passed she'd began to feel slightly less disappointed in the meeting. So her stars hadn't aligned with the other's! So he was not to stay in the Kusini lands and live a life with her! So she didn't actually know much about him, besides his name. Well, she also knew that he'd gone on many, many adventures and they made wonderful tales! He'd told her several all night, while she had only been able to share stories that she considered to be very boring. But he'd been kind and listened and even was interested, or at least pretended to be. She decided that maybe meeting him had been an adventure of sorts, and that she shouldn't be down about him going on his way.

    At least, she assumed he'd gone on his way since he'd been no where near when she'd woken up the next morning. She moved along the river, smiling softly. The river's current was not as strong as usual, and undoubtedly it had something to do with the droughts she'd been hearing about while in the rogue lands. The dry spell seemed to be affecting many places... yes, it was effecting here too probably. She had yet to make a trip to the watering holes, she much preferred drinking from the river because of it's cooler temperature. Sometimes it was almost icy. Or maybe she imagined it to be so.

    She sat herself on a small hill, tail curling about her paws as she nodded and reaffirmed to herself that she was not upset that the male had gone off to who knew where. Maybe one day he would be back? But part of her thought that maybe she should stop thinking such foolish thoughts, that maybe it was time to grow up. How long had she waited for Taku to show back up and he never did? Ses had told her countless times that he wouldn't come back... but would it have been fair not to afford the male that chance? The chance that he would show up again, tell her that something terrible had happened and that he'd been unable to make it back until then? But now... now it had been so long that she just hoped Taku was alright. She could only hope that he was doing well in life, that maybe he'd found himself... another girl. A better girl than her, probably. She wanted to think this way, because the alternative was too painful. She did not want to imagine Takuma as one who went to the stars, and so she wouldn't.

    Just like she didn't want to think that her meeting with the male in the forest was silly or shallow or... well she wasn't sure what. But she wanted to think positively of it! That was something Sesere was never able to understand about her, about how she wanted things to go well and she wanted to give others the benefit of the doubt. Ses was quick to jump to conclusions and pick the worst possible reason for what had occurred. She guessed that they balanced each other out or something, even though she figured Sesere thought he was right just as often as she thought herself right. But he did put things into perspective more than once for her, that was good, right? Speaking of Sesere, where was he this time?

    Ses had tried to stay away from Kari as she worked out her own feelings and thoughts, not wanting to add to what he considered to be an already terrible situation. She'd seemed pretty sad about it too, and he knew he sure as hell wouldn't help in improving her mood. He was mostly worried about what this meant for Kari, though he doubted she'd even given that one thought. He wasn't sure he'd be able to contain himself if he saw her, because he just really felt like she deserved a good, long lecture! Maybe he could tell her father? But he wasn't sure Kenai was really the type to give even a stern talking to to his kids, which was just annoying! Couldn't he of had a bit of a temper, like Asi'Kari or Denahi? But of course not. He was just a sweet... goof. He was sure both of Mng's parents' temperaments hadn't really been that helpful in raising or giving birth to practical, world-wise children. But he supposed that gave him a reason to stick around, right?

    He had decided he was finally able to see Kari though, and he didn't want to leave her on her own for so long. "Ah, there yeh are." He called out when he spied her on the bank of the river. The smile on her face just made him scowl and sigh. "Never gunna get sense inta yer brain, are we?" He said softly, but after a moment a gentle smile formed on his maw.