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The Anti Fangirl Guild- A lost cause

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The Anti Fangirl Guild
  *sigh* Are people never happy unless there is someone to pick on
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 20, 2006 9:51 pm
Do not go spamming this people with worthless flaming, it is senseless and defeats the entire purpose. It merely 'proves' to them that they are right. No we must fight this by showing we are indeed rational intelligent young women, we just enjoy lusting after cute guys. Very few of us have any serious belief that the objects of our affections would actually love us. We are more mature than that. We know they would flee in terror screaming "EEK! FANGIRLS!" We're just lonely, and enjoy thinking about having someone to love. That really isn't so wrong. The Anti Fangirl guild has lumped us together with illiterate immature teeny boppers, who like to feel they're important and so obsess over men beyond their grasp. We obsess because we find them fascinating, but we understand the reality of the situation. We know the difference between reality and fantasy. We also know how to read, write and speak proper english. We must find a way to protest this prejudice!

Here was my "request to join" the Anti Fangirl Guild

I am not sure I want to join. The only reason I would wish to is to point out, most real fangirls, even we rabid fangirls, are not half so bad as you claim, most of your guild is beyond insulting, and is as sickening to me as something Fascist. Yes, I do find it that bad. You are segregating a whole group of people based on the behavior of 12 year old children who feel cool by belonging to something larger than them. While many of us more obsessive fangirls can be overzealous, we are not in fact, stupid. Most of the time we are rather laid back quiet friendly people. I have almost never heard of a real fangirl going SQUEE!, those who do, are immature. Yes there are loads of immature people who invade literate postings and ramble on in horrendous grammar. It just happens, people like this are just a fact of life. You do bring up vaild points, and some of the people you describe are severely annoying, but that doesn't mean you have to segregate all of this. Thank you for your time if you have read this, if not, you are even worse and ignorant than I had first thought.
PostPosted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 6:25 pm
Progress! I have spoken with CHazz, leader of the Anti Fangirl Guild, however, I still think he is still a little prejudiced towards us.

I took the time to read your join request and am still not sure if it was a true request to join or just a rant about how much you disagree with us. Sure some fangirls aren't evil or remotely bothersome, but it's the ones who drive us insane that we particularly don't like. Yes, we don't like obnoxious people who talk or act immaturely and we ridicule them accordingly. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, including the icky fangirls. But when they invade our well-thought-out threads and fill them with useless garbage about how much they love "x", that's when we feel the need to retaliate.
I personally began a thread showing my dislike for the band Linkin Park and all I got was 41728 of their idiot fangirls flaming me about how sexy the band is and how their music is the best on the planet.
People like that ... I hate, we hate. As much as they are a part of life, so is the people who will complain about them.
Therefore we decided to have a "safe haven", if you will, where we can rant about the typical immature rabid fangirls that plague our schools, forums, and lives. A place where we can talk about how much we dislike something without being attacked by poor grammar, ridiculous insults, and sad sick fantasies.
If you find the guild offensive, I'd advise not looking it up. Otherwise you're just looking for trouble really. If you find my response offensive, forgive me. I meant for it to be strictly informative.
I would hope that at age 18 you would have grown out of any fangirlish tendencies, but I suppose it takes longer for some to realize the error of their ways.
Thank you for your time.
Icky? Now there's a term I haven't heard in awhile,... neutral And yes, people will spam nonsense and refuse to actually listen to anything anyone is saying, we've had more than our share of that in the Sephiroth VS threads that were started in our guild, everyone claimed "Oh you're just siding with Sephiroth because you're retarded fangirls" We actually only made the claim Sephiroth would win after examining the facts that Sephiroth sliced through bildings and moves like a fencer with a gigantic piece of metal(which is actually feasable, we have actually lifted a full scale replica) during Advent Children, and the opponants that had been selected for him were slow moving heavy hitters. Okay that was a wierd way to start a conversation, but that is proof of the fact of what fangirldom means. We make obsession a fine art. BUt I think we both hate the same kind of fangirl, because they are annoying, and they have no grasp of facts. And just to be contrary your sig is wrong, though they are only pixels we can think they look sexy as they are modeled into the shape of very nice male musculature and bone structures which we find attractive. My personal obsession with Sephiroth is due to the glimpses and hints at what he was before. I personally believe he was a tortured soul, who was rejected any chance at a normal life, yet he still retained an, if bitterly cynical, sense of humor and was a confident, skillfull warrior. The fact he isn't real doesn't mean I can't admire that someone had strength despite the horrors his childhood must have been, and I pity that he was destroyed by madness, and became a monster. Sure, he wasn't real, but if you think about it, it is no more real to me personally than say Martin Luther King Jr. I've never met them, never will, and can only find out things about them through recorded media, and pictures. Fangirls who are fangirls simply from one glimpse and no desire to learn more are air headed bimbos, even worse are the stubbornly ignorant who THINK they know everything. I am in support of professional fangirls like myself and Saerenna, we obsess, but we know it, and we don't seriously beleive that we will ever have anything to do with them. Yes we find them attractive, and find details of them absolutely fascinating, but it isn't a bad thing. We enjoy in depth discussions about the hows and whys. The fatal flaws and amazing attributes alike. I think we should be united in our effort to solve the ignorance, but that does not mean to level antagonism against all who share similarities. In fact i think I shall work on my club to better encourage the growth of mature fangirlism. However, I do not see it as an 'error of my ways' the fact I am 18 years old means nothing. I find a fictional chracter fascinating, but so does my boyfriend, and hundreds of thousands of other people who delight in fantasy and immersing themselves in other worlds. There is nothing inherently wrong about this way of life, I can see you at least a little share in this as you seem to also be a fan of Final Fantasy, does that mean people should be rude to you be cause they don't like fan boys? Think a little more before levelling accusations at people, you can hurt someone that way, and it isn't fair to do such things. You are n no way better than anyone else on this planet, you may be more skilled, better informed, or stronger than someone else, bt that does not in any way shape or form prove you are BETTER than them. Of course, that is one of my biggest pet peeves...So for now

Ja Ne

PS: yes, I would like to join your guild, so I can help to inform them better ways to deal with the problem of n0bs, as many of you seem to take the completely wrong apporach. There always is the ignore button you know.




PostPosted: Wed Feb 22, 2006 2:59 pm
Ha ha. It is actually because of Chazzzzz and the idea of an Anti-Fangirl guild that I have made a new addition to my sig!

Besides, ranting on about Sephiroth keeps my fingers nimble, and my mind running. And lets me use large words and extend my vocabulary and improve my eloquence. It's like writing an EXTREMELY biased persuasive essay! xd  
PostPosted: Wed Feb 22, 2006 5:41 pm
Ha ha. It is actually because of Chazzzzz and the idea of an Anti-Fangirl guild that I have made a new addition to my sig!

Besides, ranting on about Sephiroth keeps my fingers nimble, and my mind running. And lets me use large words and extend my vocabulary and improve my eloquence. It's like writing an EXTREMELY biased persuasive essay! xd
SO I have noticed, and I think we should make our goal as a Rabid Fangirl club to promote the idea of mature fangirlism, so there is less ignorance and confusion on the subject of what it means to be a fangirl. (and I think we are turning Chazz to the darkside of fandom 3nodding )  




PostPosted: Thu Feb 23, 2006 6:10 am
Ha ha. It is actually because of Chazzzzz and the idea of an Anti-Fangirl guild that I have made a new addition to my sig!

Besides, ranting on about Sephiroth keeps my fingers nimble, and my mind running. And lets me use large words and extend my vocabulary and improve my eloquence. It's like writing an EXTREMELY biased persuasive essay! xd
SO I have noticed, and I think we should make our goal as a Rabid Fangirl club to promote the idea of mature fangirlism, so there is less ignorance and confusion on the subject of what it means to be a fangirl. (and I think we are turning Chazz to the darkside of fandom 3nodding )
What's the light side? xd Aww, so you mean no, " Laik, sepihrot ish minez~!!@!~!~!!!!!!two!!!! I ish going to say that in random topics that have no meaning about sephy whatsoever! And then seriously flame people when they think otherwise!" xd That's alright, I prefer "Sephiroth is a being of undeniable hotness. It is inconceivable to think that Cloud could have actually beaten him without drugging his drink, or other forms of cheating. *cough*Omnislash*cough* Either that, or the glorious Sephiroth loves to torment poor heros by making them think they've won.... And then come back to rub it in their faces! Sephy is gorgeous etc, etc...."  
PostPosted: Thu Feb 23, 2006 5:54 pm
Ha ha. It is actually because of Chazzzzz and the idea of an Anti-Fangirl guild that I have made a new addition to my sig!

Besides, ranting on about Sephiroth keeps my fingers nimble, and my mind running. And lets me use large words and extend my vocabulary and improve my eloquence. It's like writing an EXTREMELY biased persuasive essay! xd
SO I have noticed, and I think we should make our goal as a Rabid Fangirl club to promote the idea of mature fangirlism, so there is less ignorance and confusion on the subject of what it means to be a fangirl. (and I think we are turning Chazz to the darkside of fandom 3nodding )
What's the light side? xd Aww, so you mean no, " Laik, sepihrot ish minez~!!@!~!~!!!!!!two!!!! I ish going to say that in random topics that have no meaning about sephy whatsoever! And then seriously flame people when they think otherwise!" xd That's alright, I prefer "Sephiroth is a being of undeniable hotness. It is inconceivable to think that Cloud could have actually beaten him without drugging his drink, or other forms of cheating. *cough*Omnislash*cough* Either that, or the glorious Sephiroth loves to torment poor heros by making them think they've won.... And then come back to rub it in their faces! Sephy is gorgeous etc, etc...."
lol I definately would prefer you use the latter form of speech.  



PostPosted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 3:58 pm
Yes, I have given up on them. I was banned all too happily(for no apparent reason I can see), and Chazz is moping at me with typical male wounded pride about how I'm making fun of him to my 'lackies'. rolleyes I don't feel like trying to sort out the flimsy male ego problem and could really care less about a guild based primarily on stereotypical hypocrisy anyway. As I said in my first post there (which was promptly deleted with my sudden banning) all we can do in life is at least attempt to reason with and help educate our fellow human beings towards tolerance of one another, but sometimes, it just isn't worth the effort. sweatdrop  
PostPosted: Thu Mar 02, 2006 7:50 pm
Well, I have to admit that I would be hardhearted against some things. Those things being suggestions that Sephiroth would lose, or that he's ugly, or that he's not the greatest. ^_^

As long as we're happy in our fangirl-ish-ness, that's enough to prove them wrong! ^_^  




PostPosted: Sat Mar 25, 2006 4:08 pm
Actually, I was recently in a discussion with a male recently who was flaming, without proper reason, against fangirls. I joined a chat under the name of 'SephirothLover' or something similar. I can't precisely remember... sweatdrop But a girl began saying, "Oh, how is Sephiroth?" and I started laughing and jokingly began answering her questions like I knew him. Then I said I was having some fun because people began saying I was an obsessive fool. I mean, I am, but I know that he isn't real, etc. I told them it's fun to dream. This male started to tell me what an idiot I was, and that all fan girls were crazy freaks who needed to get a life. And that since the objects of our affections were pixels, they weren't human, and therefore it was ridiculous to like them. I told him, "No, pixels are like an artists' creation, like a painting, and I can admire their beauty." He, of course, disagreed. Then he began to tell me what a pathetic villain Sephiroth was, that he was an emo villain (?), and that he hated Final Fantasy. Then he proceeded to tell me that Bowser from Mario could "kick Sephiroth's a**" and was a far better villain.

Not only is that INSANE, but think of it... Bowser is a giant turtle. He cannot explode stars, slice metal and rock with a shower of sparks, and make the sky cloud up, or even cause a skyscraper building to collapse on his foes with a simple outstretching of his arms. And he has no depth to his character.

Another example of immaturity. I am not biased for no reason. I have reasons that I can stand up for Sephiroth. All hail him. heart
PostPosted: Sun Mar 26, 2006 10:12 pm
SEPHY!!! Ugh... I HATE people like that. I've had waaay too many conversations like that. stare I don't mind the make-fun-of-the-obsessive-fangirl-cause-it's-funny-to-see-her-reaction, but when people are seriously just trying to do everything they can to put Sephy and you down, because they think fangirls are stupid.... I actually get angry. Which is a rare occurance.  




PostPosted: Sat Apr 01, 2006 11:52 am
Yeah, I know what you mean, they're so immature sweatdrop Yes, we know he's not real, but he's a fascinating character concept. I see no difference between looking up to fictional characters and famous people, they are about the same amount of reality, it is highly unlikely that we'll ever see anything more of them than pictures (even photographs are made from pixels) or video feeds. I don't see a difference, they segregate mature fangirls like us to be included with little teenyboppers who squeal about how they're going to marry Orlando Bloom stare stressed

Hmmm...I"m going to make a topic somewhere discussing why we like Sephiroth, with mature reasons that we explain.  
The City of Parte`

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