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While it had taken some getting used to, life in the swamplands wasn't all bad, though it wasn't all good either. As he had quickly learned, the pride had a lot of rules and the more he thought about them, the more they made sense to the point that he had accepted them as his own belief.

From his times in the roguelands and from the time of protecting his family while crossing the river, he was granted the name Niloticus which replaced his old name of Upendo'mume. While he missed it, the new name fit more as it held the strength of the crocodile that he had kept from taking his mate and cub. A proud moment in his life as he had failed her before with the death of all but one of their first litter.

He walked through the trees, the large green 'swampie', his large paws spreading at the toes for it was easier to walk among the mud and silt like this. They had not seen their cub in the time they had been there despite their looking. Gold eyes looked out to the trees as his gaze sank to the mud beneath him. His mate was not pleased but he couldn't really blame her considering the circumstance.

Mia Sharra
The time thus far within the pride had been a relatively quiet one for Thuraske, mostly due to her seeking out the solitude away from others. It had not taken her long to get used to their new home, though her missing child still weighed heavily upon the protective mother. She had searched, and yet somehow came up empty pawed each time. The murky female lay hidden among some bushes, staring out between the leaves. Such a quiet place, left a lot of time to mull over what had happened, and what may. Receiving a new name had taken some time to get used to, however she felt no loss for her old name.

Perhaps they would find their child soon. One could only hope that he was indeed able to be found and not at the bottom of some sinkhole somewhere. Niloticus shuddered at the thought of that. After losing their entire first litter save one cub, he couldn't bear the thought of losing his only son. The green male moved through the trees, keeping his eyes out for his son and also his mate. He had not seen her in what seemed like days. Perhaps the worry over their son was finally getting to her. In her fragile mental state, he could scarcely leave her side for a moment so the lack of contact with her was...worrying.

Mia Sharra
The bushes did well to conceal the lioness, as well as the mud that was inevitable in such a place. However she had long since stopped caring about the mud on her fur. It was easy enough to clean out later, but fussing over it constantly would get her nowhere. Ears swiveled back as she heard the found of paw steps. Someone seemed to be coming her way, though she certainly could not tell who at this point as the wind was in their favor. Thuraske shifted her weight, causing the bushes around her to rustle from the movement. “Who is there?” She called out.

That voice. He knew that voice. The male's head turned, ears swiveling forward as he listened to the voice and the leaves rustle against one another. "Thuraske?" Niloticus replied softly, making his way closer towards the flora. He knew of the traditions of the pride and thankfully, he knew his mate was not carrying any children, something she would definitely have made known to him considering the events of their last litter, so there was no danger of him bringing misfortune to his family. "Are you well? I have not seen you for days." Of course he was worried. What mate wouldn't be worried considering what he had just spoken; that he had not seen her in many days' time.

Mia Sharra
Thuraske turned towards the voice that followed. It was her mate. He made his way closer and Thuraske nodded at his question. “I am fine.” She replied, turning her attention away for a moment to scan the area behind Niloticus. “I thought Hoth might come by here if I stayed here long enough.” She continued, gaze falling back to Nilo. She didn’t need to ask if he had foud their son, it was obvious he had not either. Thura sighed heavily before standing. She stretched her legs before attempting to shake leaves form her pelt, though many clung on, trapped within drying spots of mud. “I am tired of lying in these bushes waiting.” She said. In the days she had been missing from him she had barely left the spot, managing to catch whatever happened to walk or hop by as a meal. However she had also not seen Hoth within those days either, and was doubting now that he might even pass by here.

"He'll show. You raised him well and he has both of our blood in him. He's a strong boy." He had already said pretty much everything there was to say to her in the way of encouraging words. What could he really say to a mother who had lost her litter and now likely thought she had lost the last of it? Niloticus nudged her affectionately, picking a leaf off that clung to her pelt between his teeth, tossing it aside. Of course she was worried about her only son, he couldn't lie that he wasn't worried either. It would have been stupid of him not to worry. While they had raised him well, Thuraske had coddled him through most of his life. Niloticus was more worried that his son't survival instincts might not have been all there thanks to that. That was not something he was about to tell his mate though, not now if he valued his life.

Mia Sharra
Thuraske bumped the top of her head against Nilo gently. “Yes, he is a strong boy.” She repeated, however this did little do dampen her worry for him. He was strong from their blood, but he had little true experience with the outside world. He had never had need to gain any with Thura and Nilo always around to watch him. Thura especially. She did not like her son too far from her sight, lest something terrible happen to him. Now something may have. He was missing and she did not know how he was faring on his own, though her mind was always ready to put forth a most dire scenario.

He couldn't help but smile at the gentle show of affection that she gave him. In return, he licked the top of her head, ignoring the taste of mud in mouth from doing so. "Come on. Lets head back. Sitting around here worrying isn't going to help anything." In fact, it would just make it worse as he was sure Thuraske would likely become obsessive about finding Hoth if they didn't go back. He wasn't going to dismiss the fact that he kind of hoped that when they returned, he was there waiting for them but he wasn't going to hold onto that hope in fear of becoming disappointed when it didn't happen.

Mia Sharra
Thuraske nodded. She knew he was right, but she couldn’t help but worry for him. Hoth was becoming a big boy, but he was still her only baby. “Alright.” Was all she replied with, bumping him gently once more. The same thought came in to her own mind. Maybe they would go back and he would be there. However unlike Nilo she couldn’t help but cling on to that hope a little.