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:Call, I'll Answer:
Anaquelus Requaler, but I prefer Anna, it's much more modern.

:I've lived about:

Demon summoner


Straight as a unicorn horn.

:I Tend To Be, Well:
I turned out a little oddly, according to my family...well the ones that talk to me. Since I grew up on both Earth and Hell my morals on things are a little off kilter. Like torture is a perfectly healthy hobby...but only on bad people. Alcohols and drugs are nasty...but bloody is a tasty snack. I'm also very inclined to movement: tilting my head, twirling while talking, dancing while walking, they're all very normal actions for me.

I love teaching my students. I'm very good at it. The house has only nearly burned down twice, and only then because a fire demon got sick. I might be a little tough with them sometime, but it's only because they need reprimand. Eating small humans just isn't acceptable when you live on Earth.

:A Little History:
Well, unlike just about all demons, I wasn't spawned in hell. My mother had a falling out with a Lord of Hell and ended up moving to Earth for the birth. Luck for me my uncles are very rockin' people and they let me visit them all the time. I grew up with role-models from Hell and Earth and I have to admit it got a little confusing at times. Morality changes a lot between planes. Anywho, since I was a summoner demon and I couldn't just drag up demons to practice my controlling on, I spent a decade or two with my uncles learning all I needed to know about controlling and ruling over minions.

My aunts never did care for me much, and they've tried to kill me a few times, but I'm not holding grudges, they just didn't like me cause of mom. Getting back on track, when I turned 60, the year I officially turned into an adult, Uncle Asbarti made a deal with some rich man an now I live in a small mansion. I love it since it's got tons of room for all my little minion friends, but, well, it gets really messy and since I now work as a teacher for demonic children stuck on earth, I don't have bundles of time to keep everything spick and span...and, well, there might have been some more attempts on my life. If it was just one of my aunts again it would be nothing, but it not one of them. My demons are all too small to fight off surprise attacks. It might be nothing, but I think it's better safe then sorry.

:My Personal Cleaner: