Name: Kajika

Age: 18

Height: 5' 4"

Persona: Quiet, kind, and friendly. But if she trust you she may open up to you and be more fun loving. But is also very naive, gullible, and innocent but know how to defend herself when it is needed too.

History: Kajika grew up in a middle class family. Since being the oldest of four younger brother and sisters. She learn how to take care of children in a young age and learning how to fight. She was almost always at home taking her siblings for that was reason she needed to learn how to defend her siblings and herself. While growing up she witness a lot of fights between her parents. Her parents started to gamble a lot to the point of actually selling one of there children. There were gambling a slave trader when this happen. They of course lose and decide to give the youngest one as a slave. But Kajika didn't want that and ask to switch place instead. The slave trader didn't care and decide to take her instead.

As a life of slave she started when she was thirteen. She went to different masters and houses for a long time. Getting beating a lot from the masters for things she didn't even do. It was either the masters fault and didn't want to adimit it or another slave trying to save themselves. Also if she feels that they don't deserve it she takes the pain. This keep happening till one day she found a master who was very kind to her. After she told her story to him. He decide to help her out. First seeing if her sibling were okay. They were but soon found out they started to live with one of there aunt and uncle. There parents went somewhere else that they didn't know. After seeing there all right. Her master ask if she wanted to be free. She took that offer and said she will come and visit soon. When the time for to visit she saw the mansion was being burn down. Being stupid enough she went in trying to find her old master. But she didn't get the chance to because she got capture again. Now she is on sale and even wonder what happen to him.

Current Master: Alexandre de LaRoux

Collar Color: White

Charms: White feather, Dove, Hawk, Killdeer, Nightingale, and Nest.

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