Name: Train Silver

Age: 18

Height: 6 foot dead

Persona: Quiet, shy and quite awkard at first, can be violent if he feels threatened. He tends to stay quiet and trust his instincts about someone at first and slowly grows warmer and more talkitive. has been know to have a slight amount of Pyromania and had been know to use fireworks when in fights

History: Train was sold into slavery by his own parents, He was working at a young age trying to help put food on the table, his parents had a huge gambling addiction and neather of them worked..........Train had done and tried almost any job he could, he still went to school and done all the assignments on time, his parents one day had stummbled on a slaver who was looking for some people to drag back to the store, his parents being the people they were offered Train to the guy for a reasonable price.............that night Train walked in and five minutes later a group of slaver took down the door and walked in.........Train was preparing dinner at that point so when they went to grab him he lashed out with the knifes that were within his reach he ran as fast and far as he could but they followed him at a distance and once he was out of breath and on his knees they captured him and threw him into a van and drove him off........he has been in his cage for 5 months now and so anger towards the slaver has grown
Current Master: N/A

Collar Color: Dark grey but a black tint to the lower edge

Charms: White feather, Hawk & Killdeer. Nightingale. Crow, dove

Photo: User Image