This Character is based off of the Mortal Instruments
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Logan Wayland

[ Typical Information ]

Name :: Logan Wayland
Nickname :: Lolo
Sexuality :: Heterosexual [Straight]
Age :: Eighteen
Blood Type :: O
Race/Species : : Nephilim
[Traditionally Nephilim are the children of angels who have bred with mortal humans]
Slave(s) :: Fire
Collars Preferred : : Dark,Light Gray or even White
Charms Preferred : : Owl, Hawk, Killdeer, Nightingale, Perhaps White Feather

[ Looking In The Mirror ]

Height : : 5'
Weight : : Heavier for her age. Not Fat,just Average Along with very Curvy except in 'Bust'
Eye Color : : Green
Hair Color : : Crimson Red
Typical Clothing : : Normally wears Light Sweaters or Sweatshirts, Jeans, Converse, Tank Tops. Or sometimes Jackets such as leather ones along with black knee-high boots with a skirt and chains.

[ Looking Past My Eyes ]

Personality :: Logan is a sweet and gentle girl at heart. But when you first interact with her, she can be shy yet stubborn,arrogant, cold, sarcastic and self-conceited. But once you get past her shell, shes actually very intelligent and affectionate. She loves Humor and reading. Logan is also very social.
Likes ::
Training for Combat
Adrenaline and Battle
Dislikes : :
Ignorant People
Suicidal Idiots
Being Unprepared

[ What I've Been Through And Done ]
Before Logan was born, her father grew up in an Institute for Shadowhunters. He was excellent at what he did. Followed the rules, laws, and regulations. Her father, James, was a brilliant man and was to be married to Charlotte. Charlotte was another great Shadowhunter and surpassed most other Females. She was beautiful. But James had his eye on another girl. A Warlock. Though he knew he could never be together with her by law, he still made secret visits with her in the middle of the night. After many late visits, he found out she was pregnant with their Daughter. James and the Warlock, Jacqueline, were extremely happy. That is, until Charlotte found out about their late visits. Enraged, she told everyone at the Institute about his betrayal. Knowing he'd be executed if they found him, James ran away with Jacqueline. They couldn't get far. She had gone into Labor not long after they ran. The Professors or Tutors at the Institute had no trouble finding them.
After the child was born, they murdered the Warlock. But made sure to have James watch as they burned her. After watching, he was to be hanged. And the child was suppose to be burned also. But before being hung, he begged that they let the child live.
Pity filled their eyes,but they agreed. Once his dead body was disposed of, the Tutor's took the Child and named her after her mother. Logan Wayland. Logan being Jacqueline's middle name. After reaching the age of Eight a friend of her mother, another Shadowhunter named Christina, told her of her parents. After hearing the story, she hated her father. Only because he didn't protect her mother. Shaken by the news, she became a mute for a long time. For the longest time she only focused on training and reading. Reading Poetry, Nephilim History, Demon History, Downworld History (Vampire,Faerie,Warlock,Werewolf,etc) and the Bible. Along with growing up and training, she learned many languages such as Greek,Latin,English, Japanese, Spanish and Hebrew. Logan became a brilliant young girl. And even though Nephilim blood is dominate, Logan received ounces of magical ability. Later on,she learned that she has more Angel blood than any other Shadowhunter. Making the Rune's she draw, more powerful and making her create new ones.
Finally, around the age of Seventeen Logan left the Institute to find others like her. To study other things besides Shadowhunting. But once she 'hit the road' she was attacked by a Lycanthrope. He stripped her and nearly rapped her. He managed to 'touch' her and make her do 'things' to his own body by stabbing and threatening to bite her if she didn't, which would or could make her a Lycan rather than Shadowhunter. Finally, when he had his fun and became exhausted, Logan killed him by using one of her hidden daggers. Now, even though she lives in her own place and is still Technically a Virgin, she still is cautious of some men.