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The Basics... :

What Name I was born with: I-I guess my name is Myst
What I prefer: Um Myst
What am I?: I-I'm a Kitsune
Last time I checked: Im a boy..
My Cake?: I'm 17

What You see on the Outside... :

Height: 4'12, I know im really short
Hair Color: Orange if you can't tell
Hair Length: To my neck
Eye color: Orange
Skintone: paleish
My Marks: I have plenty of scars from the man that found me and a birth mark in the shape of a pawprint on my right hip.

What you can't see on the Outside... :

Gimme More!: Warmth, Sweets, Milk, Play time, Men, Cuddling
Uhhhh, No!: Pain, Thunder storms, Loud noises, Yelling, Baths
You wanna know me?: I-I was an orphan, wild, when my first master found me. He found me when i was five playing in a pile of leaves in his back yard. He picked me up and took me in, acting nice and gentle at first. For the first year he was kind and caring, always land cuddle and sleep with him. But when this new girl came along that thought i was revolting he began to beat me. He screamed at me and hit me just to make her happy. I tried to hide in the smallest places i could find, praying that he wouldn't find me but he always did. When she finally got tired of me, the girl made him take me away and put me in a cage.Now i spend my days cowering in a small cage, hoping that someone nice finds me.
My Charm(s): White feather, Dove, Egg, Owl,
My Collar(s): White