
As you may already know there is a Gaia ToS. Which means there are things we can and cannot do while on this website. I'm sure you all know that you're not allowed to post anything meant for adult eyes.

You're also not allowed to hate on people. Meaning you aren't allowed to insult race, religion, sexuality, or anything of the like.

Please refrain from posting any personal contact information publicly, unless you are aware of the consequences of such actions. It's not my fault if some creep with a cue ball for a head starts randomly pestering you.

That is, if he somehow didn't know how to already.

Which is highly unlikely.

I suppose I could simply say don't post anything inappopriate for innocent eyes and there will be absolutely no problem with you being here.

Cussing is allowed, but I would suggest keeping it to a minimal in most conversations.

It is suggested that you don't post in any topic posted as "Announcement" unless it is stated otherwise within said topic.

Don't start "Shipping Wars", those are probably the most time-wasting things I've ever seen. If someone doesn't like your ship, that's their opinion, so move on.

Thank you for your time.

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