Teo had a grueling day. He was training new fighters. Not cubs, but still green. They drove him to the point of insanity and left him more sore than anything else. Some of them had promise, had gotten the better of the right hand. No, it wasn't normally his job, but there were meetings the rest of the day and he hadn't been given any orders. As a Right Hand, Teo didn't get involved too much in pride politics. Though soon, he had a feeling he was going to be doing something he didn't much care for. Thus, was a job.

The day was ending and a thought crossed his mind. No one knew if Mana had officially retired with permission, or his reasons for it. There could be two right hands.. Perhaps talking to the other cheetah would prove helpful to his boss. Perhaps he could even talk Mana into coming out of retirement.

With a smirk, the uncloaked red male made his way through the pride. He was going to go pay Mana a visit.

Mana had wanted to go with Lady Nyoka when she and the Boss left the pride, but in the end it had not been his decision to make. Nyoka had told him not to come, to keep an eye on the pride in her absence. Also Abhi had not wanted him to leave. For that matter, Mana had not wanted to leave Abhi and Sanji and Imbra and the rest of his cubs.

Imbra had been by earlier in the day, before she went to train. The new Right Hand was holding a training session, Mana knew, and Imbra had come by to debate whether she ought to attend or not. Mana had advised her not to go. He didn't know much about Teo, but he doubted the new Right Hand could do much to his daughter's benefit as far as training went. Imbra was too good for that.

Mana trained, too. He trained with Imbra sometimes, and sometimes he trained with a more relaxed pace with Abhi. It wasn't the same rigorous regimen he'd followed when he was the Right Hand, but he no longer had the same obligation to keep on the top of his form. It freed up time in his day that he was still learning how to fill.

Teo sighed as he stood outside of Mana's den. He hadn't trained Imbra, but prehaps she watched to see how he worked. Fighters would do that, and them come up with plans for counter attacks. Rubbing his face with a paw, the cheetah debated calling the male out or just going in. Going it would be considered very rude. What if he had been doing something with his mate? Then again, as Right Hand, he could do it. Flex his power a bit. Alas, he wouldn't. Mana didn't while he was the right hand.

So, instead, the red male called for him. "Mana? Are you home?" He asked, sitting down in front of the den opening. He wouldn't peer in to see if he was coming or not, but the possibilities of him being home were good enough. That's why he was here

Because Abhi still tended to do most of her work in the evenings, Mana did his best not to disturb her sleep when she came home in the mornings. It wasn't morning now, but she had not actually stirred in any sort of meaningful way to indicate that she was ready for her day to begin, so when Mana heard Teo call in, he came to the fore.

"I am," he said simply. "If there's something you wish to talk to me about, we'll have to do it while walking. Abhi is still resting and I'd prefer not to wake her."

Mana had always been a proud cheetah, even when he lived among lions who believed cheetahs had no soul and no spirit because they weren't lions. Mana still carried those beliefs, though he did his best to keep silent about them. Even so, he was a confident feline and well-suited to command. He didn't think twice about issuing an ultimatum to the cheetah who had more or less taken up his role in the pride once he stepped down.

He could understand wanting to not wake a hard working mate. She was a new Currency in the pride, if he remembered correctly. Not an easy position to claim. There were talks she was well on her way to Geisha. Some even wanted to see her rise to Okaa-san. That would be interesting. The ex Right Hand's mate that has a higher position of power than he does. Teo had to bite back the laugh. "Well, come walk with me. There are things I wish to dicuss with you."

The male rose to his paws and waited for the other before heading off in a random direction. He didn't speak until they were a little ways away. "I've been meaning to come see you since you retired. How are you handling it?" His silver eyes looked the other over. It didn't look like Mana was slacking in training. He looked just as fit as when he held the position.

"No one asks me to dispose of bodies in the middle of the night, or wake up at the crack of dawn to make sure merchants are leaving with only the wares they claim to be carrying. I don't have to pay any attention to pride gossip unless I want to. There's little reason for me to worry about anyone else's safety beyond the usual concerns of a father and mate," Mana said, answering Teo's question with a much longer answer than it probably warranted.

He took a few more steps before simplifying his opinion into a two-word statement that he could not utter without grinning: "It's boring."

Mana wasn't a cheetah who handled boredom well and he knew he would have to find something else to do with himself at some point in the near future, or else he would drive himself and those around him crazy, but he wasn't sure what he might turn his paw to. It was not a matter he wished to discuss with Teo, however. It was something he would have to talk over with Abhi at some point, but neither of them had brought it up yet. She was focusing on her career, which was probably more work for her now that he couldn't use his own authority to assist in small ways.

"I can't believe you've come to discuss how I'm handling retirement though. I know you have more important things to do."

The long winded answer took this male by surprise, but he didn't show it. He simply arched a brow and nodded a little. Boring sounded right. Working your way to this rank, claiming it and then giving it up? What would he do with his life now? It baffled him how one could just give up after being picked for such a position. THough he had a point. Waking up randomly early or staying late was a drag, but he knew it just made him that much more intimidating to the rest of the pride. Rubbing his face again his tail twitched as he thought how to approach the situation, the topic of hand.

"..Do you miss it? Being the first Right Hand? I'm mearly the second and your position sits empty, collecting dust. I would have liked to work along side of you," he stated. Flattery would get him no where. Ugh, this p***y footing around didn't feel like him. "Look. You should come back. Two Right Hands are better than one and we both know you're going to go stir crazy and do something you regret. I wouldn't want to be the one dealing with that mess."

Mana looked at Teo levelly. A part of him very much wanted to leap at the position that was being offered to him, but he knew very well that it was a hollow gesture, no matter whether Teo meant it to be genuine. A Right Hand could not appoint someone else to that rank. Only the Boss or Boss Lady could do that.

"I was Lady Nyoka's Right Hand," he said. "She asked me to stay with the 'Nera while she and Nanashi travel, and that is what I am doing. It may be that I am technically still her Right Hand, in that case, since there is no other Boss Lady in the pride."

"However, until or unless Lady Nyoka returns and tells me otherwise, I will consider myself retired from the position of Right Hand. Your master will lead the pride as he thinks he must, and my involvement could only be seen as meddling by a relic of his parents' rule."

But if he were called upon in a time of need, Mana knew he would answer the call. How could he not? He had pledged his loyalty first and foremost to Lady Nyoka, but the 'Nera was her pride. She had founded it, and in her absence asked him to keep an eye on it. If it came down to it, Mana knew he would not be able to remain an uninvolved neutral party.

"In any event, I don't think you need to worry about me creating messes for you to clean up," he said. "You would do better to concern yourself with other members of the pride."

Meddling? He really thought that if he took his rank as Right Hand he would be meddling? If nothing else the work load would be halved and that is what he wanted in the end. Sighing heavily, Teo nodded. He could understand though. He was loyal to the Boss Lady and now she's gone, so he didn't know who to be loyal too. Teo's own Boss didn't honestly need a second Right Hand, but it was still a pretty depressing thing. He knew once this cheetah made up his mind it was hard to change it. Nodding again, Teo looked over at him and shrugged.

"You know, I could talk to my Boss. You're loyal to the pride just as you are the Boss Lady. So why not just shift your loyalties until she comes back? It's probably what she wanted to happen in the first place. We still have a strong leader. I get an uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach and I think you would help ease that. I'm sensing a lot of tension in the pride lately and I think we should start rallying troops. Let me know if you want me to talk to my Boss."

"I will always act in the best interest of the pride, as I am able to discern it," Mana said. He hesitated, realizing that those words could be badly misinterpreted by someone looking for signs of a person looking to foment a rebellion, which was not something Mana had any intention of doing.

"If I am needed, your Boss can talk to me and make his wishes known, at which point I will do as he asks. Otherwise I will do my best to avoid becoming embroiled in pride politics beyond what is necessary."

Mana really wasn't sure what Teo wanted from him, and couldn't quite bring himself to trust the younger cheetah, though a part of him pointed out that if Teo really meant him ill, surely he would have made some sort of attempt on his life shortly after being named Right Hand to ensure his position was secure and unassailable. He wondered if he ought to recommend Imbra to Teo as an associate. She would probably enjoy the work, but would she enjoy the company?

No, he didn't want any harm to come to any cheetahs in the pride but the ones who have hybrid children and their damn leopard mates. Leopards weren't pulling their weight lately and it drove this cheetah insane. Still. The male had voiced he wasn't interested right now and sighed. Oh well. It was worth a shot. Stretching out again he turned to the flame red male and smirked. "Fine, fine. I was just coming to see how you were and see if you would think about coming back to help out the pride. But, you're content, I get it. Why leave the cushy life riding off the success of your mate when you'd get more pride doing something yourself?"

He smirked at that and shrugged, heading off ahead of him again. "I'm going to go home now. I'm tired and all talked out. I'm sure I'll be seeing you around soon." With a flick of his tail, Teo was out of sight. Maybe playing the chicken card would get the reaction he wanted out of the male.

Mana's expression didn't change as Teo made his incredibly disrespectful insinuation. He neither smirked nor scowled, though he might have done either one at another point in his life, willing to start a fight to prove his valor and toughness. That was no longer necessary. There was no one in the 'Nera who doubted either. At least no one whose opinion mattered to Mana. Getting into a fight with the new Right Hand could only cause problems for everyone. If Mana won, it could be used to show that Teo wasn't competent at his job, and if he lost it would just be a case of Teo bullying an older cheetah. No good for the pride.

He let Teo walk away and then returned to his den to wake Abhi up. She had slept quite long enough.