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Although she always tried to be the happy lioness around, always tried to be as happy as she possibly could, trying to do what she could and trying to pretend that everything was okay to her. It was normally an easy task to her no matter what was going on. First her mother disappearing, then having a litter of cubs and now, now was one of the worst things to come her way. Not only had the pride been flooded and stormy, lions were missing and among them as her father. During her life she was of course upset when her mother went missing however now, she was even more upset. She loved her father dearly, she was very close to him. She cared about him and kept an eye on him. She made sure that he was okay and that there wasn't anything wrong.

Now thought she was extremely worried, she had not a clue in the world where her father was and it was much harder to keep herself being happy and joyful. She was especially upset because now she was on her own. She still had her siblings and not only her siblings but also her cubs but she missed her father and she wanted to know where her father was more than everything else, or anything else really.

She was wandering the borders again today. Almost everything was covered in mud at this point. Mud was everywhere in the pride including on the pale lioness. Her paws were splatted and her face had spots here and there on her and of course up most of all of her legs. Shew as wandering toward the borders, tired and just hoping that she would find her father some where around him. Even if he was passed out some where as long as she found him and he was alive she was a very happy lioness, for now though she knew she had ot wait standing around walking trying to find the sign of the familiar body that she knew so well.