Attention had suddenly rained down on her. Like water to a lion on the desert, it seemed. A miracle and so confusing at first. Aylin was not objecting at all to the attention. She still might not love Mirsajadi, but she did enjoy the company he offered her from time to time. Attention wasn't bad at all, but she wanted room to breath for once, without the man crawling up her backside and actually seeking her out for uncomfortable attentions. Sometimes Aylin would slip into that quiet, thoughtlessness and spoke weird things. That's usually when Mirsajadi stopped and left for the day.

Honestly it was a trick she had to learn in order to get him to go! Now though, she was relaxing in the den, after telling the male that she had a very big headache, which wasn't far from the truth. Today was going to be her day to be lazy and content. She didn't want to go hunting, there were no cubs to take care of here, so her duties were limited. Maybe should seek out Zoey and make an attempt at communication with her. She hadn't tried that beyond the few small chit-chats they had during the morings when everyone was getting up.

Maybe, but her legs seemed to be glued to the den floor. Oh well, perhaps Zoey would wander in here.

The blue lioness wasn't sure where she went wrong.. But for some reason she had done something horrible. She was sure of it. She tried to remember all her actions, but all she could remember was of her doing exactly what was asked of her. Had that been wrong? Had he preferred the challenge of a Kajira? No.. She knew him better than that. He'd sooner die than have a Kajira to his name. She sighed. She was so unhappy lately, and the fluttering nauseating feeling in her belly was doing little to ease her heart. She had watched Mirsa completely forget her existence. She had watched him stop telling her goodnight, no good morning nuzzles.. Nothing. She couldn't even really remember the last time he had even looked in her direction.

The lioness, that's whole reason for living was to make him happy, just didn't know what to do. She felt sick, her heart breaking in small pieces and it was all she could do to keep her composure. She still did the duties she was required, even if he no longer praised her for them.

But today, she was curling up next to the watering hole of where they had had many secret meetings. It was true she had removed herself from the main den as much as she could. She hated being home lately.. Though sitting here, watching her reflection in water that used to hold his right beside hers.. Might have been even harder.

When time passed and there was no sign of the blue lioness, Aylin stretched herself out and got to her paws. Now she'd have to wander out into the sun that would probably give her a headache. It was a hot day, too, though it was spring. It seemed like the summer wasn't going to wait for them this year, either. Oh, well. She's survived it so far, what's another year?

As Aylin stepped outside all she could taste was stale air. There didn't even seem to be a breeze going outside, which made it that much hotter. Rolling her golden eyes, the pale lioness moved towards the watering hole where she saw the blue lioness. An air of sadness washed this whole place over, making Aylin's brows knit in worry. She had a sister who could do this, just make the whole family down by being sad. Zoey had been the symbol of smiles and contentedness during Aylin's stay. Sighing quietly, she approached the lioness and laid down beside her, though still giving her space.

"I wish it would rain," she said quietly. "It's just been so hot lately and there isn't a cloud in the sky, is there?" She peered up and shook her head again. Of course there wasn't. She had a feeling in her gut another bad summer was approaching. They'd be tapped for water and rationed again, probably. She wasn't really looking forward to that.

The last thing Zoey had been thinking about was company. Her eyes almost empty as she stared out into nothing. She didn't notice the pale lioness step beside her and lay down. Though when she spoke, Zoey blinked a few times and looked confusedly over at the other. She blushed a bit, realizing she hadn't realized the presence, but she offered the best smile she could. Her smile though, was far from happy. Her eyes held a haunted look, a constant worry that always plagued her mind.

"No there isn't. I bet the rain is far off still." She said, and realized it had been awhile since she had spoken. The last few times had been an attempt to get Mirsa to look at her. But once she realized he refused, she just stopped trying. She looked at Aylin, and wondered why she didn't dislike her for receiving the attention.. But Zoey knew it went deeper than attention.. He had been her best friend since they were cubs. They had grown up together, and had been close their whole lives.. and now she was cut off as if she was trash. As if she were a Kajira who deserved little.

"But the watering hole is still a nice place to sit and think." She said, her voice soft as she placed a paw into the waters.

Sitting and thinking at a place with water. That was something the girls shared. A smile appeared on Aylin's face as she nodded and let out a little laugh. "No doubt about it. I don't smell rain on the wind, which means.... we've still got several days without rain ahead. I hope the water doesn't dry up." Carefully, the females dipped her own paws into the water and sighed. It was so cool and soothing. Maybe going for a swim wasn't completely out of the question. Looking around for anyone who might stop her, Alyin wiggled her way into the shallow part and laid there, sighing happily.

"Ahh... This feels so good," she murmured, clsing her eyes and dipped her head under to get water on her face. She could feel the dust leaving her coat and that made her happy. Despite her baths, Aylin never honestly felt clean unless she'd been swimming. She didn't know why, it was just something that's always been. "Come in with me. Tell me what you were thinking about."

Aylin was a kind enough female. Even she grew tired of Mirsa's constant attention. It was likely one of the reasons she wasn't as bothered by it. Aylin wasn't soliciting the attention that she was getting..Hardly ever. It was almost odd.. He lavished her in attentions, something which he never used to do.. And ignored Zoey, something he also never used to do. Something definitely must have been wrong!

She nodded, and smiled when Aylin spoke, making an "mhmm" while she did so. She watched as she walked into the water, dunking her head and walking further out.

"Oh I'm sure you don't care to hear the ramblings of a sad mind." She said with a soft smile, though she did stand and start slinking into the water. She loved to swim, and she was good at it.. But she just wanted to soak. Why hadn't she thought to do this before?

Aylin watched as Zoey got in the water and laughed a little more. It was clear the other girl was enjoying it! Moving over to her, Aylin began to groom the top of Zoe's head and her forehead, paying attention to her ears. She grew up giving siblings mutual baths, so how was it different with a denmate? The pale female also didn't knowa bout personal boundries. She made that much clean with Mirsajadi.

"You can talk to me about it. I don't mind," she said it with her dreamy sounding voice, as if she was far off, thinking about something else. And she was, partly. She was thinking back to her mom and dad and siblings. Aylin missed them a lot. She hoped they were doing well. Aylin remembered being mad when mom and dad pushed all of them out of the den, telling them they were too big to stay with them anymore. Of course, she knew it depressed them as well, and it was how things were done... It didn't make it any easier, though.

That's when she stumbled upon Mirsajadi. He needed a female.. She needed protection; and now here she was. Sharing a male with Zoey and sort of wondering why the male had no cubs as of yet. She didn't know Zoey was pregnant. She tended to stay away from drama and closed her ears towards it.

She was caught off guard by the grooming. Her and Aylin had never been particuarly close to each other. Each doing their own things, and just keeping themselves out of trouble. But she didn't mind it.. It reminded her, too, of her family. She missed her mom..she needed to remember to pay her a visit after this.

"I fear that I've angered Mirsajadi.. and I'm not sure how.. I've thought so hard, and I'm sure I haven't done anything that warrants the rejection I've received." She wasn't naive enough to think Aylin hadn't noticed the scorn of the blue female.. She was sure she had seen something.

Aylin winced when she said that and shook her head. Zoey was hardworking and kind, she honestly didn't know why the girl was being treated like she didn't exist. Still, she kept grooming her blue head and moved to lean against her with a sigh.

"I can't begin to tell you how he thinks. You've done nothing wrong at all. I know.. he talks a little in his sleep. He.. He tends to mention something about cubs. Maybe he feels he's just upset and taking it out on you..." The pale girl sighed again before shrugging her shoulders. "I could attempt to talk to him for you, if you want. Or bring it up and see what he has to say. Does that sound like something I can do for you?" Aylin didn't want to step on toes, but she, too, was curious as to what the hell Mirsajadi's problem was.