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"What in the world is this?" Hotaru asked herself with a confused as she reached one of the underground pools, her eyes trained on a small frog that was hopping along the edge of the pool. Why was a frog down here? She understood that it was wet, dark and of course damp down here but it seemed unusual for a frog to come in there. At least as far as she could remember she had never seen one there before. Her eyes squinted ever so slightly as she followed after it, hoping it would lead her to where ever it was coming in from. Maybe one of the cubs of the pride had brought it here. That was highly possible. It wasn't unusual for her to see one of them catching a defenseless creature and playing with it.

After several moments they arrived at a smaller pool that was to small for an adult cheetah to get into. The frog jumped in and then disappeared. She sighed and shook her head. Well now she would never know what the real reason was behind the frog behind down below ground. Hotaru smirked a little. She needed to see about going on a mission soon as she feared she was going a bit stir crazy. A bit? She chuckled to herself. She had just followed a frog around. At this point she was way more then a bit stir crazy.