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Reply [IC] Aka'mleli Lands [IC]
[PRP] Ants in the Pants [Njia x Ke'ala + Shou]

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Distinct Lunatic

PostPosted: Fri Apr 13, 2012 10:55 pm
Ke'ala had finished patrolling for the day and was now taking her time to be a complete waste of space and do absolutely nothing to contribute to anything. This is what Ke'ala liked. Working hard and then paying it off with doing nothing. There was no in between switch for this lioness. She was either all there or she was completely gone else where. Mentally speaking of course.

Shou, her bird, perched on the lionesses back and happily snuggled deep in the lions fur. The two were some where between being awake and being asleep. A nice an dreary haze of an existence that acted as a cherry to the top of Ke'ala's slothery. Small prey could easily get close enough to touch the lioness and she probably would stay put. Cemented in the comfort of the mid day sun with her bird was where Ke'ala had planned to stay.

Really, she would have spent the entire day relaxing if it had been an option. A very painful bite on her tail caused her to wake up. And then another caused her to completely jump up and away from where she laid which caused poor Shou to have to fly away from his warm perch. There were white hot feelings of bites all over the lioness now that popped up at random. The lioness let out a cry and stopped dropped and rolled to shake the feeling of what ever was biting off of her.

Apparently she'd laid on an ants nest with out meaning to. Shou was trying his best to swoop down and pluck ants off of his poor, ant bitten lioness.

"SHOUUUUU! IT BURRRRRNS!" The lioness whined. Shou's beak was a little to full to make any sort of remark. He just kept on plucking at the bugs in the lionesses fur.  
PostPosted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 9:11 pm
While her sister was fully capable of switching from work to play mode, Njia had never picked up that attribute. She was all work and no play, and had the terrible habit of looking down on others who were not the same way as her. Really, the black and purple lioness was much like her mother in that way. She had a drive that was endless, and there seemed to be no way to make Njia sit back and relax. She had to be doing something productive or she'd go crazy. Her days were spent doing what she could to better herself and the pride. Njia was a lioness that could make her mother proud, but even Elea thought from time to time that her daughter needed to calm down and take a step back. She had her whole life ahead of her, and was trying to make all her dreams come true within a very small chunk of it.

The young lioness was doing what she always seemed to be doing - hunting. Njia wasn't the best... yet, but she was a fair bit better than other pridal lions. Her skill wasn't natural, unlike how her mother's had been. She was working on it, and in time she would be the best at it, she was certain! A distraction from her current mission, then, was most unwelcome, but Ke'ala's plight simply couldn't be ignored. They were sisters, after all. Besides, Shou would probably spot her in the distance and demand her aid.

She looked off to the side, forlornly watching a herd of grazers meander away. Well, gods, this was going to completely ruin her hunt. Njia hurried over to her sister's side, though was careful not to get too close to the angry nest of ants. Njia was going to help, but she was not going to subject herself to the same fate as her careless sister. "Get farther away from the nest, you idiot," she snapped irritably, reaching out to whack her sister's shoulder lightly with her paw to get her attention.

"If there's water nearby, you can try and drown them off of you."

There was a short pause.

"And will you stop being such a baby for once and help yourself?" Ah, right, there it was.


Tipsy Senshi


Distinct Lunatic

PostPosted: Tue Apr 17, 2012 9:01 am
More and more white hot spots of pain and itch popped up all over her pelt. She could feel the way the ants were climbing up her body purely from the areas that were affected by their little nasty bites. Shou had stopped plucking ants off her pelt for some reason. Ke'ala looked back to see where her bird aid had gone only to feel a whack on her shoulder. The lionesses ears fell back. Njia did not look entirely happy to see her in such a state.

"Water!!???" She had no time to come up with a come back with having just been called an idiot. There were ants to deal with and her sister was right about needing to get far away from the ants nest before it got worse. Njia's advice was gladly accepted as Ke'ala took it upon her self to charge toward the water and launch her self in to its coolness. Now submerged under the water it was up to Ke'ala to stay down as long as she was able. There she stayed. Slowly, new spots of itching and pain stopped appearing over her body and instead there was a small calm.

Ke'ala scrambled to get back to the top of the water. The lioness breached the top of the water and shook her head. Water and ants went flying.

"It worked?!" Ke'ala gazed back at her sister in admiration of the advice and relief to have the pests off of her. Shou swooped down and landed on the lionesses head where he plucked a few of the freshly drown insects off of his lioness.

"Njia! You saved me!" Were those tears in her eyes? Maybe.  
PostPosted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 9:03 am
Njia didn't bother to follow her frantic sister to the water's edge. She didn't want any of the ants biting her to fly off of Ke'ala's tail and into her face, after all. She waited until Ke'ala had sufficiently submerged herself under the water's surface before making her way over to the pool. She refused to suffer from her sister's stupidity, and was glad that the trait wasn't contagious like a disease. Njia was beginning to feel like the only lioness who could be serious besides their mother in the entire pride. "Of course it worked," she answered with a roll of her eyes.

The lioness backed up again, giving Ke'ala a wide berth so she could get out of the water and not splash her. As long as Ke'ala stayed in the water and did not get her wet, then Njia was find. Silently, she adored her sister's behavior, and found it charming in some weird way. On the outside, though, it seemed to do nothing but irritate and aggravate her. Njia would always be more forgiving when it came to her siblings, though. She hadn't outright conflicted with any of them. "If you didn't panic and thought through what was happening, you could have saved yourself.

You'd probably have a few less ant bites too." She was trying to instill in her sister some traits that Njia carried, such as the ability to think on ones toes. She doubted her attempt would actually be successful, though.


Tipsy Senshi


Distinct Lunatic

PostPosted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 7:11 am
Ke'ala's ears went flat on her head in submission and shame. Her sister usually tended to make way to much sense which in turn made Ke'ala feel a tad bit thick in the head. She paddled in motion in the water and just stared up for a moment with big saucer like eyes at her sister.

"Its ..." She wanted to contribute something in to debate but the females mind drew a complete blank. There where no holes in Njia's logic as far as Ke'ala could see. Her logic had been flawless and correct. If Ke'ala had thought of the water her self she'd have fewer bites. Shou pecked at her head a little to hard bringing her out of her thought.

"Hey! Watch it Shou!" The bird gave a bit of a I'm sorry sort of caw before returning to plucking dead ants out of his partners fur.

"I'm sorry Njia... I uh.. I'll be more aware next time?" It came out more as a question then a statement.  
PostPosted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 7:48 am
Njia mentally sighed. While she certainly did not mind coming heroically to her sister's rescue, she did wish that her sister would gleam some good sense off of her. Of course, if that were to happen, it probably should have happened by now with how much time they had spent together growing up. There may be no hope for her sister, which meant Njia was going to be stuck shadowing her throughout her entire life, making sure her sister didn't get into anything stupid... Ugh, that did not sound pleasant. Maybe she'd let Ke'ala fend for herself, and that would teach the lioness to hone her mind a little bit more. It sounded cruel, but that's why it was called tough love.

It was an idea she'd have to consider, though it was probably unlikely that Njia would let Ke'ala get herself into too much trouble. The Aka'mleli lands were naturally a sort of safe place now, so she wasn't too worried. Ants were probably the biggest of Ke'ala's troubles.

"Try to be," she stressed with a small sigh. "You really could save yourself a lot of trouble, and it'd keep me from thinking that I'm the only one in our family with their head screwed on straight." Figuring that it was now safe to approach the water's edge, she flashed her sister a strained but caring smile. "Are you better now, at least? Come on out if those things are all dead." At least Shou was getting a feast out of this, Njia mused.


Tipsy Senshi


Distinct Lunatic

PostPosted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 9:12 am
The smile from Njia was enough to get one out of Ke'ala. The lioness happily swam to the shore while Shou continued to pluck dead ants out of her fur. The things were dead but some were still matted in her fur. It was a good thing Shou had a taste for such creatures other wise it would be a painful cleaning next time Ke'ala decided to clean her self.

"I'll try.... Uh... Njia what are you doing out here?" The lioness tilted her head at her sister. "Are you looking for prey? Did I ruin you hunt?" The look of disappointment could kill a puppy that sat on Ke'ala's face. Had she ruined her sisters hunt?  
PostPosted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 9:26 am
Now, she couldn't tell Ke'ala that she had disturbed her hunt. Her sister was already looking guilty at the mere prospect of it. Ke'ala had already suffered enough from being ant bitten, and Njia wasn't really in the mood to make her more pouty over discovering that Njia's hunt had been interrupted. It really hadn't even started when she had taken a detour to her sister's side. The day was not entirely lost, Njia would just have to pick up where she left off. That could... be a little more difficult considering her sister's cries had probably scared off most of the prey that was nearby.

"I was about to start hunting. You didn't ruin my hunt," she reassured her sister. It was better that Ke'ala thought she hadn't interrupted anything. Njia did care about her family, but her own drive to be the best usually distracted her from spending quality time with them now. Even their mother thought that Njia was pushing things a little too hard and a little too fast. "Besides, you know me. I always make the best out of every hunt. I'm not likely to fail. So, don't worry about it. You didn't interrupt anything."


Tipsy Senshi


Distinct Lunatic

PostPosted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 9:41 am
This made Ke'ala smile wide. So she hadn't disturbed her sisters hunt after all? This was great news. Little did she know that she actually had. But bliss was a good thing right now. Her ears even popped right back up and her posture became a little more assured. Usually, Ke'ala was not one to be so submissive. But to her sister and family and prides members she tended to be a little on the soft side. As a guard, the female was tough.

"That is great news!" She jumped a bit out of the waters and quickly nuzzled her sisters forehead in affection. In the process, Njia may have picked up some of the water and matted in dead ants. Ke'ala had already almost forgotten about them. Aside from the itchy burning feeling she still felt in certain areas. Shou was grasping on to the lionesses back trying to rid her of the extra ants.

"Might be a good idea to take a wash misses," He chirped, "I'm starting to get full."  
PostPosted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 9:55 am
"No, no, Ke'ala," Njia whined audibly as her sister nuzzled their foreheads together. She wasn't sure that Shou had gotten to the lioness' head to pluck off dead ants. Besides that, Njia was not exactly fond of getting wet, and her sister was little more than a dripping mop. The darker lioness groaned, wishing now more than ever that she had kept her distance. It was likely that Ke'ala would have tracked her down anyways to show how much she appreciated her sister's interference... but if Njia had gotten far enough away Ke'ala was bound to have dried off a little bit before catching up to her. "You realize that you are soaking wet, right?" Njia pressed her paw against her sister's face, forcing a little breathing room between them.

"Shou's right, you should probably soak in the water a little while longer, maybe swim around to try and dislodge the remaining ants." It was assuring to see the bond Shou and Ke'ala had, and she had to admit that she was a little jealous of it. But, now was not the time to dwell on her own lack of a bird. She had a sister to help Shou look out for. "Make sure before you start swimming around like a loon that there isn't anything in the water that likes the taste of lions over dislodged ants, okay?" She doubted that there was anything in there, but it was good to encourage her sister to display some caution.


Tipsy Senshi


Distinct Lunatic

PostPosted: Wed May 02, 2012 6:44 am
"..Oh right!" Ke'ala was still pretty wet and covered in dead ants. Well more then likely she was. Sitting on an ant pile like she had attracted way to many ants to her pelt. Ke'ala took her sisters advice and started back for the water. Shou wasn't far behind, flapping his wings over head. The female was sure to scan the waters as closely as she could. There was a brownish green lump off to the side the female hadn't noticed before.

"Njia.." The lioness backed up from the water, "You don't think thats a... do you?" She pointed to the thing she was talking about with her paw. Just as she did the lump rolled a bit revealing a more wooden texture. Shou was quick to land on said thing to prove all was safe. Ke'ala took a sigh of relief and headed for the waters to clean her self off.

[IC] Aka'mleli Lands [IC]

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