Picture - User Image


Name - Chikaro

Nicknames - None

Gender - Male

Age - 27

Sexuality -Straight

Species - Human

Eye Color -

Height - 6'2

Body Build - Athletic

Hair Color/Length/Style - Black, short, straight

Other Appearances(Tattoos/body peircings) - A stem of blossoming cherry blossoms from his waist line to his armpit on his right side.

Personality - Cool, calm, collected, rarley becomes angry or upset, very focused, pays attention to detail, honest, trustworthy, proud

Bio - Chikaro was an orphan at a young age, he was adopted by the son of a famous swordsman. He learned all he could under his new grandfather before he passed away of natural causes, but with the lessons and discipline that was taught to him by his adopted family he has made a good living for himself. One day he wishes to venture out on his own and look for his real relatives, he looks to purchase a woman with basic medical and cooking skills to accompany him. There is always the advantage of having a body to warm his bed those nights on the road.

Slaves- None

Other - Not modern times, more like ships and wagons with swords and all that junk. razz

Username: CrusaderXn

Name: Captain William Buchanon

Pic: User Image
Age: 29

Sex: Male

Race: Human

Orientation: Straight

Powers: None

Bio: William took what he wanted when he wanted, he survived off the sweat of his own brow and the misfortune of others. A pirate captain, he was feared and hated by many but respected by a few. Mainly the men whom had climbed aboard his rig to make a living or those who he had come side to side with in mutual gain. Although he was known for showing mercy his thievery was not forgiven among the elite of society, as well as those who chased him. Always willing to take a woman who happens to catch his eye as his own, one of the perks of making a living outside the law.
Personality: Sly, Clever, Cunning, Strong, Perseverant, Sneaky, Proud, Laid Back, Drinker, Educated (more then the average pirate), Stern, Loyal (to the crew)

Picture -User Image

Name - Drake (Last name unknown)

Nicknames -

Gender - Male

Age - 23

Sexuality - Straight

Species - Human

Eye Color - Hazel

Height - 6'1

Body Build - Bulkie

Hair Color/Length/Style - Dark brown

Other Appearances(Tattoos/body peircings) - None

Personality - Tough, crafty, resourceful

Bio - Drake was born after the great war, he has learned to survive on his own. His parents died at a young age as a result of raiders. He managed to escape and has since raised himself. He has learned to live off next to nothing and learned the lay of the land. The safest thing to do is keep moving. He travels where he hears rumors of colonies and supplies. He is well stocked at the moment, enough for two..

Slaves- None

Other - Post apocalyptic Rp :3