This has been on my mind for a while- the personalities I use for the mules are based off fan created personalities for Raziel's brothers.

Turel for example, doesn't have much known about how he acts. What we know is that he agreed to toss Raziel into the Abyss and was later taken by Azumith/Moebius to later become the naked, blind, bunny. Fan portrayals vary but common themes are a brash temper and general disdain of his brothers; the latter may be more annoyance at their antics. Some fans, including myself, add musical talent. Some picture him to be close to Raziel, others give the two a sibling rivalry.
For other brothers, the portrayals are more consistent, namely Dumah's and Rahab's. What made the fans lean towards certain personalities when there is so little evidence in the game to support these traits?

And finally, when you first played the games, how did you envision them?