
Olivia Human/Wolf:

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Olivia is a very stubborn and feisty girl. She loves to run away and sneak out. She believes in freedom. She HATES being locked in a cage (Masters this is a good punishment for her). She is a full blooded werewolf.

(When Olivia sneaks out it's usually to check on her pack because she is Alpha but the Masters don't know why she sneaks out.)

Raven Human/Wolf:

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Raven has escaped from all of her slave homes. She looks innocent but she is very feisty. Raven is Olivia's cousin. Raven gets in trouble a lot and needs someone really good to keep her from escaping.Raven is a full blood.

Dakota Human/Wolf:

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Dakota listens with the right master. She is usually very shy and mute. Get her mad and it will be World War III. Most of the time obeys without being hit. Pretty easy to handle. Best friends with Olivia and Raven.